Theses/Dissertations from 2000
A model MET institute for the East African region : creating an effective infrastructure for outreach and improved standards, Musa Hassan Musa. (Maritime Education & Training, Kenya.)
The government's role in multimodal development and trade facilitation in Tanzania, S. G.I. Tumpe Mwaijande. (Shipping Management, Tanzania.)
Grain and fertilizer handling GBHL terminal : an analysis of its impact on port fraternity and its post effects on bulk traffic through the port of Mombasa, Evelyn Umazi Mwamure. (Port Management, Kenya.)
How to reduce emission of nitrogen oxides [NOx] from marine diesel engines in relation to Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, Dong Nam. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, South Korea.)
Establishment of a formal maritime safety administration in Guatemala, Pablo Arturo Martin Nowell Maldonado. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Guatemala.)
Analysis of customers complaints, 1995-1999, for the improvement of port services in Mombasa [Kenya], Rose Atieno Nyalwal. (Port Management, Kenya.)
Analysis of Kenya's transport system as service provider and gateway to the Northern Corridor, Beatrice Nyamoita. (Shipping Management, Kenya.)
International straits and transit passages : focus on Bosporus and Dardanelles, Cleanthis Orphanos. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Cyprus.)
Transport and handling of dangerous cargoes in port areas : weaknesses of existing international and Estonian regulations, Tarmo Ots. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Estonia.)
A cost analysis of coastal shipping of Sri Lanka, Nishanthi Perera. (Shipping Management, Sri Lanka.)
Relationship between trade imbalance and the competitiveness of container manufacturing industry in Vietnam, Van Truong Pham. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
Proposals for the improvement of maritime administration and policy in Vietnam, Vu The Quang. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Vietnam.)
The regulation of international shipping : systematic issues facing states in the administration of maritime affairs and the eradication of substandard shipping, George S. Reynolds. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Jamaica.)
Proposal for improving marine environmental protection management in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Sith Roath. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Cambodia.)
A proposed maritime administration for Guyana, Claudette Patricia Rogers. (Maritime Administration & Environmental Protection, Guyana.)
The role of maritime administration in ensuring quality shipping services : a guide to Cape Verde Maritime Administration, Joao Lopes do. Rosario. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Cape Verde.)
Privatisation of shipping agency services in Tanzania : a case study of an economic policy problem, Pilly Saidi. (Shipping Management, Tanzania.)
A cash flow analysis approach to privatisation : case study of Klaipeda Stevedoring Company, Andrius Saveikis. (Port Management, Lithuania.)
VTS [vessel traffic services] in the Singapore strait : an investigation into mandatory traffic control, Mohammed Segar Abdullah. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, Singapore.)
Cargo handling equipment productivity analysis of the Chittagong Port Authority [Bangladesh], A.S.M. Shahjahan. (Port Management, Bangladesh.)
Assurance of seafarer's quality : implementation of the ISO 9002 quality system in a crew manning agency, Jing Min Shi. (Shipping Management, China.)
The training of marine engineers : present methods and future directions in developing countries (Africa), Yassin Magongo Songoro. (Maritime Education & Training, Tanzania.)
Changes in export structure in Vietnam : impacts on Vietnamese maritime transport, Pham Thi Anh Thu. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
Privatisation of the shipping industry in Vietnam : the benefit, problems and proposals, Hong Giang Truong. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
Proposal for the implementation of search and rescue and GMDSS in Myanmar, Ye Myint Tun. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Myanmar.)
Hispaniola : a maritime city for the next century : a feasibility economic study for the construction of a container terminal in the south part of the island, Pedro Jeremias Vega Medina. (Port Management, Dominican Republic.)
A techno-economic study of liquefied natural gas transportation : a prospective to develop India's first import terminal, Neelima Vyas. (Port Management, India.)
Shipping pools in bulk shipping markets, Haifeng Wang. (Shipping Management, China.)
The new international regime of liability and compensation for oil pollution damage : status and trends, Hanling Wang. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, China.)
China maritime safety administration in the new millenium : challenges and strategies, Ming Xiao. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, China.)
Assessment of salvage award under Lloyd's Open Form [LOF], Jingjing Xu. (Shipping Management, China.)
Limitation of liability : the developments, problems and future, Qingyue Xu. (Shipping Management, China.)
A proposal for protecting the marine environment from effects of oil pollution in Cambodia, Dararath Yem. (Maritime Administration & Environmental Protection, Cambodia.)
Liability of classification societies in American and English law, Jingming Yu. (Shipping Management, China.)
Analysis and evaluation of the impact of privatisation on the performance of container handling equipment in Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT), Indonesia, Kartiko Yuwono. (Port Management, Indonesia.)
The impact of the ISM Code in the maritime field, Quirong. Zhang. (Maritime Administration & Environmental Protection, China.)
Fire protection onboard : enhance fire safety by design, Shangchun Zhang. (General Maritime Administration & Environment Protection, China.)
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Recommendations for improved implementation of port state control in Nigeria, Akilu Wase Abdu. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Nigeria.)
A brighter perspective towards improving chartering industry in Jordan : emphasis on quality management systems and human resources development, Hisham Abu Taleb. (Shipping Management, Jordan.)
Government in merchant maritime transport business in Nigeria : recommendations for improved performance of the current shipping line, Godwyn Msuega Ajeseni. (Shipping Management, Nigeria.)
The development of maritime search and rescue in the Republic of Fiji, David W. Alexander. (Maritime Education & Training, Fiji.)
Investigation into an optimal model for a maritime education and training system amongst the European Union member states in the light of international legislative instruments and new technologies, Alexander G. Alexandrov. (Maritime Education & Training, Bulgaria.)
The economic implications of safety and quality management systems [of] the ISM Code : case study : International Ship Management Company, Jordan, Hesham Abdel Fattah Al-Hamran. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Jordan.)
Privatisation of Kenya Ports Authority : its socio-economic impact, Mwambire Alii. (Port Management, Kenya.)
Design and implementation of a cost control system for Cuban shipping companies, Santiago Alvarez Rodriguez. (Shipping Management, Cuba.)
Recruitment of Ghanaian seafarers on foreign ships : an opportunity for Ghana's participation in maritime labour supply, Patience Amoabeng-Prah. (Shipping Management, Ghana.)
An integrated strategy for the non-traditional export sector of Ghana : a Ghanaian shipper perspective, Emmanuel Kofi Arku. (Shipping Management, Ghana.)
Review and consolidation of instructions for investigations and inquiries in India, Rakesh Kumar Awasthi. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, India.)
Enhancement of maritime safety in the Philippines, Joseph Barreyro Badajos. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Philippines.)
Development of security measures on board ships : guidelines for Egyptian seafarers, Essam Elsayed Ahmed Badawi. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Egypt.)
An analysis of the deregulation process in the Argentine merchant marine : its consequences for seafarers, shipowners and unions, Eduardo Baglietto. (Shipping Management, Argentina.)
Impacts of the new fixed link between Sweden and Denmark on the transport logistics system in Sweden, Lamia Bennouna. (Shipping Management, Morocco.)
Diagnosis of Malmö port competitiveness and market opportunities in the light of the Öresund fixed link and the joint venture with Copenhagen port, Khalid Bichou. (Port Management, Morocco.)
The maintenance planning for inspection ships of the Harbour Department of Thailand, Chainarong Bongkarn. (Shipping Management, Thailand.)
The United Nations approach to reduce threats to living marine resources from fishing and ship-based pollution, Aomar Bourhim. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Morocco.)
Organisational culture : values, commitments and teamwork : the Naviera Cubana Caribeña shipping company case study, Jesus Brito Bartumeu. (Shipping Management, Cuba.)
Marine environmental protection training programme for officers specialised in maritime affairs in Chile, Patricio E. Cerda Ordenes. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Chile.)
The implementation of [a safety culture to] the Vietnam Register (VR) for better service of the shipping industry, Dinh Tien Dao. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Vietnam.)
The work of the harbour master's office in a Guinea Bissau privatised port, Carlos Da Silva. (Shipping Management, Guinea-Bissau.)
A rational implementation of the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), 1990, in Brazil, Sandra Rita De Oliveira. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Brazil.)
Equipment maintenance management in Cape Verde, Porto da Praia : toward an improvement, Mario Jose Santos dos Barbosa. (Port Management, Cape Verde.)
Information management for container line : case study for the container line of Lithuanian Shipping Company (LISCO) between ports in Lithuania, Belgium and Germany, Audrius Drungilas. (Shipping Management, Lithuania.)
Maritime administration in Mauritania : proposals to improve it, Latir Setra Fassa. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Mauritania.)
An integrated management approach to emergency response and its application to Malaysian ports, Charles Fernandes. (Port Management, Malaysia.)
Competitive strategies for container ports : analysis of competition and competitors in the Hamburg-Le Havre range?, Bernardo Flores Herrera. (Port Management, Mexico.)
The causes and prevention of human error contributing to maritime accidents in Tanzania, Gerson Japhet Fumbuka. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Tanzania.)
Techno-economic viability for development of two additional dry cargo berths at Kandla port for private sector investment, Reji George. (Port Management, India.)
Maritime safety administration in Guinea-Bissau : the marine engineer's role in port state control, Anselmo Bartolomeu Gomes Lopez. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, GuineaBissau.)
Maritime search and rescue in the Republic of Liberia : a proposal for improvement and ratification of the 1979 SAR Convention, Jr. Gono. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Liberia.)
Training of deck cadets in India : STCW and beyond, Kaushalendra Gupta. (Maritime Education & Training, India.)
Seafarers' social life and its effect on maritime safety with respect to Egyptian seafarers, Ahmed Abd El Naiem Hafez. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Egypt.)
Inter-sectoral co-ordination and the legal framework to protect the Eritrean marine environment, Abraha Haile. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Eritrea.)
The Liberian shipping registry : strategies to improve flag state implementation and increase market competitiveness, Christian Gbogboda Herbert. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Liberia.)
An integral approach to the handling of oily wastes from ships in Peruvian ports : reception, treatment and disposal, Manuel Gilberto Hinojosa Lopez. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Peru.)
A proposal for further improvement of port state control in China, Tianbing Huang. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, China.)
Evaluation of the proposed KPA [Kiribati Port Authority] organisational structure for the new millennium, Moarieta Ientaake. (Port Management, Kiribati.)
The effects of industrial waste water discharges on the coastal zone of Cameroon, Gertrude Inack-Mbai. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Cameroon.)
Effective management of Jamaica's maritime resources : the need for marine protected areas, Sydney Innis. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Jamaica.)
Clearing and forwarding of exports and imports in Uganda : a situation analysis for a landlocked country, Isaac Masembe Kabali. (Shipping Management, Uganda.)
Restructuring of the port industry in Tanzania : privatisation of the Tanzania Harbours Authority, Modest William Kakusa. (Port Management, Tanzania.)
Managing Eritrean shipping agency services for improved results, Weldegiorgis Weldegebriel Kibrom. (Shipping Management, Eritrea.)
Integrated coastal zone management for sustainable development : a case study of the Gambia, Sallimatta Lamin-Wadda. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Gambia, The.)
A study of the role of CBT [computer based training] and [the] use of CBT in enhancing marine engineering education and training standards, Nong Li. (Maritime Education & Training, China.)
Development of an inland waterway transport education and training program in China : application of new technologies and quality standards system to improve river ship officers' education and training, Yong Li. (Maritime Education & Training, China.)
An investigation of the practical maritime training for marine engineering cadets in the Malaysian MET [maritime education and training] system, Leong Peng Loo. (Maritime Education & Training, Malaysia.)
Proposal of a contingency plan for oil spill response in Maputo Bay, Martnho Fernando Mafumo. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Mozambique.)
Collisions : a legal analysis, Kerry-Ann N. McKoy. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Jamaica.)
Control of pollution from ships : emphasis on the implementation of MARPOL 73/78 convention in Panamanian territorial waters, Felipe Moreno Rojas. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Panama.)
The future of Niger Shippers' Council in the new maritime framework, Daouda Moussa. (Shipping Management, Niger.)
Recommendations for the improvement of certain elements of the maritime administration of the Republic of Croatia, Rodin Nedeljko. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Croatia.)
Feasibility study for the transport of Colombian export flowers onboard the techno-superliner, Hugo Nino. (Shipping Management, Columbia.)
An analysis of the economic and social issues associated with restructuring the Port of Port-au-Prince (Haiti), Ginelle Lambert Noel. (Port Management, Haiti.)
Electronic data interchange : its benefits in trade activities for developing countries, Luis E. Nova [Morel]. (Shipping Management, Dominican Republic.)
Maritime education and training in Nigeria : current problems in the light of new and changing technology and international legislation, Egben Ogbonnaya Okore. (Maritime Education & Training, Nigeria.)
Marketing and selling the container terminals of Malmö and Copenhagen, Samuel O. Ortiz Amaya. (Port Management, Columbia.)
Problems and prospects of the National Port Authority [Liberia] with emphasis on the operational procedures, Jebeh Paasewe. (Port Management, Liberia.)
Environmental considerations for Sihanoukville port development in the Kingdom of Cambodia, Sokharavuth Pak. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Cambodia.)
Interisland transport by sea in Indonesia, Erwin Pangaribuan. (Shipping Management, Indonesia.)
Floating Storage Object/Off-loading (FSO) as alternative on logistics for the Mexican petroleum company (PEMEX) : analysis after one year of its implementation, Alfredo Parroquin Ohlson. (Shipping Management,
How the human factor in shipboard marine engineering operations has influenced ship accidents in Mozambique : assessing the reasoning : a proposal towards safeguarding against future casualties, Alexandre Paua. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Mozambique.)