Theses/Dissertations from 2006
The study on M&A in today's China shipping industry, Yichun Cao. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, China.)
Integrating maritime industry and coastal and ocean management : an assessment of the situation in Portugal, Goncalo Carneiro. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Portugal.)
Research on developing port logistics in Fangcheng port, Jie Chen. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Analysis of the feasibility of building virtual corporations in the shipping industry, Shengxiao Di. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The legal and practical implications of the Draft Convention on Wreck Removal (DWRC), Zhongzhou Fan. (Maritime Administration, China.)
Ultra large container ships : technical implications and solutions for the design of the vessels and port terminal facilities, Evangelos Fragkoulis. (Maritime Administration, Greece.)
Research on World Expo Shanghai 2010 logistics solutions, Yue Gao. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Potential of GIS [Geographical Information Systems] as a tool for integrating maritime environmental issues and coastal zone management, Fredrik Haag. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Sweden.)
Risk communication and maritime safety legislation, Anish Arvind Hebbar. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, India.)
Save lives, property and the environment : a practical application of the concept of risk management to enhance the effectivemness of the SAR [Search and Rescue] service provision in developing countries, Kharim Kibuuka. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Uganda.)
A study on the legal problem of places of refuge from the view of marine environmental protection, Maofeng Li. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
A comparative study on the legal system of arrest of ships in China, Haifeng Lin. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Project design on pan company's heavy-lifting cargo logistics service, Zhenhua. Liu. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Research on cold chain in food industry in China, Xuan Li. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Study on human elements in the application of automatic identification system (AIS), Xilei Lu. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, China.)
Post 9/11 maritime security measures : global maritime security versus facilitation of global maritime trade, Norhasliza Mat Salleh. (Maritime Administration, Malaysia.)
Research on river-sea transport for the Heilong river, Yunping Ma. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
A sectoral assessment of the cruise shipping industry and comparative analysis of the cruise markets worldwide : implications and policy imperatives for Indian ports, Vipin Raman Menoth. (Port Management, India.)
Analysis of fisheries management practices in the European Union and the Gulf of Guinea countries : effectiveness and perception of resource users, Guy Irene Mimbang. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Cameroon.)
Container development strategy of Tianjin port, Weina Min. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The analysis of core competence for Chinese oil shipping company, Binmeng. Mo. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
An analysis of the trend in concessions and privatisation in ports : the case of Kenya and Tanzania, Sudi Amani Mwasinago. (Port Management, Kenya.)
The state of play as regards the allocation of places of refuge in the Baltic Sea, John Howard Ohlson. (Maritime Administration, United Kingdom.)
Analysis of China's import iron ore shipping market, Yan Pu. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Non-conventional ferry safety and the potentiality of inland waterways for multimodal transportation : a comparative analysis for the betterment of Bangladesh's situation, Quazi Mohammed Habibus Sakalayen. (Shipping Management, Bangladesh.)
Comparative analysis of Lianyungang port's competitiveness based on calculation of principal component analysis, Yongle Sang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Impacts of climate change on maritime industries, Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Bangladesh.)
Research on the development of fleet for carrying imported crude oil in China, Tao Shen. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Evaluation of Chinese mainland third party ship management industry, Zhang. Shuang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Research on building trust mechanism of 3PL in China, Li. Sun. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Economics of maritime environmental regulations on oil pollution liability : linking theory to practice, Zhirong Tan. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, China.)
The research of benchmarking application in development of integrated logistics in Zhanjiang port, Jing Tian. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
What constitutes a package or unit for the purpose of determining the package limitation in Carriage of Goods by Sea [COGSA]?, Fodil Tighilt. (Shipping Management, Algeria.)
The analysis of large Chinese liner companies' strategy to develop logistics services, Biyun. Wang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Principles and practices towards SAR [Search and Rescue] services : a comparative study on states' approaches to improving maritime SAR, Chao Wang. (Maritime Administration, China.)
Application of green GDP concept to the calculating method of economic benefits of the Yangshan deep-water port, Ruizhi Wang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The application of CRM and SCM principles in Volkswagen, Yao Lei Wang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The use of near misses in maritime safety management, Zhixian. Wang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
The research of the constructing of the port of Xiamen to become a container pivot port, Zui Fei Weng. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
A cost benefit analysis of the AIS [Automatic Identification System] system in Sweden, Andreas Westerberg. (Maritime Administration, Sweden.)
The impact of post 9-11 security measures on small, aspiring and export-dependent maritime states : mixed blessings for the Caribbean, Paul Wayne Wright. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Jamaica.)
Shenzhen energy group's strategic decision of logistics service, Min Wu. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Application of goal-based standards philosophy in maintenance management of bulk carrier hull structure, Wu Wen Xiang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Study of six sigma management applied to Chinese shipping companies, Yang Xiaodan. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The strategic reposition of Chongqing port : the development under the "Yangtze River strategy", Bao Xuexin. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Research on logistics park's development mode in Wenzhou, Jiazheng. Xu. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The study on operating mode and risk management of warehouse receipt hypothecating, Heng Yang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Research on strategic countermeasures of Nanjing port based on the analysis of its major cargoes, Sisi Yang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
A study on the legal problems related to places of refuge, Wenzhi Yang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
The feasibility research into port cooperation between Shanghai and Ningbo, Yuan Chen Yi. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Location decision of dry port in the Hinterland of Ningbo port : an AHP approach, Li Yizhen. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Analysis of China's liquid chemicals transportation market, Bin Yu. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Study on the effect of the port law on the development of Chinese ports, Li. Yuqi. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The study on container shipping line business of Dalian port, Fan Zhang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
The research of new problems in management of regional ports in China, Jie Zhang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Study on how to succeed in 3PL for electronic appliance companies, Li Zhang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Analysis on P shipping company's capacity rearrangement in SE Asia feeder route, Shenjun Zhang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Towards cooperation and capacity-building : an integrated coastal zone management approach for the Yangtze River Delta, Yinglei Zhao. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, China.)
The application of CBA in FSA, Maoxuan. Zheng. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Port state control : assessment and analysis, Hao Zhou. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
An analysis of the import trade logistics service through the Ethio-Djibouti corridor, Sebhatu Alemu Ambaye. (Shipping Management, Ethiopia.)
Seaworthiness in the context of the ISPS Code and the relevant amendments to SOLAS Convention, 1974, Nabil Anwari. (Maritime Administration, Morocco.)
Can ports contribute to the economic development of the regions they serve? : an examination of the potential, if any, of using the Kenya Ports Authority as an engine for Kenya's economic recovery and development, Stanley Ndenge Chai. (Port Management, Kenya.)
Application of risk-based decision making on planning VTS, Yaotian Fan. (Maritime Administration, China.)
The legal and practical aspects of places of refuge in the context of salvage, Danhua Li. (Maritime Administration, China.)
Beyond rules, skills and knowledge : maritime education and training for optimised behaviour, Michael Ekow Manuel. (Maritime Education & Training, Ghana.)
Practices towards cleaner ships and sustainable social development, Prasant Kumar Padhi. (Shipping Management, India.)
Forecasting the dry bulk freight market, Le Duc Thien. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
The analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Vietnam National Shipping Lines (VINALINES), Vu Thi Thuan. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Smart cards as proof of seafarers' identity and certificate, Hamid Reza Akrami. (Maritime Administration, Iran.)
The logistics potential of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone as a regional gateway, Sufian Atalah Al-Muhaisen. (Shipping Management, Jordan.)
Impacts of automatic identification system on collision avoidance and the need for training, Junzhong Bao. (Maritime Education & Training, China.)
Balancing coastal state jurisdiction and international navigational rights : a vessel-source marine pollution perspective, Emmanuel Ndze Buh. (Maritime Administration, Cameroon.)
The lease as a financing vehicle in ship acquisition : legal implications and empirical evaluation of theory and practice, Ying Li. (Shipping Management, China.)
A comparative study of import transit corridors of landlocked countries in West Africa, Michael Achagwe Luguje. (Port Management, Ghana.)
A study on the preparation for the introduction of the dual purpose training system, Philip Mathews. (Maritime Education & Training, India.)
Complying with the new maritime security regime : towards a model maritime law enforcement approach, Donny Michael. (Maritime Administration, India.)
Cost comparison between the North-South Corridor [Northern Europe to the Persian Gulf] and the Suez Canal route, Masoud Mohsenpour. (Port Management, Iran.)
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) : the management and monitoring of maritime traffic in light of the new technology of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), Ehab Ibrahim Othman. (Maritime Education & Training, Egypt.)
Maritime arbitration : a case study of Vietnamese law and practice, Nguyen Quang Anh. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
The integration of existing regulatory measures to develop an effective quality system for the maritime industry, Rafael Quiroz Vera. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Bolivia.)
A selection and comparison of risk assessment methods and models to be used for the international ship and port facility security code, Fidel Eduardo Reyes Melendez. (Maritime Administration, Peru.)
Effective dual purpose training for competent seafarers and competitive shipping, Masahiro Sugimoto. (Maritime Education & Training, Japan.)
The emerging role of the classification society as an extension of the flag state administration, Rogelio Estrada Villanueva Jr.. (Maritime Administration, Philippines.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The validity of oil spill combating methods : the decision making process : a critical study, Mohab Mahmoud Abou-Elkawam. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Egypt.)
Impact of port efficiency and productivity on the economy of Bangladesh : a case study of Chittagong port, Halima Begum. (Port Management, Bangladesh.)
The shift of seafaring from traditional to emerging maritime states : an analysis of the trends, Jabeth Sena Jepath A. Dacanay. (Maritime Administration, Philippines.)
A study of the application of utmost good faith principle under the English Marine Insurance law : legal review and practical solutions, Rahman Fajriyansah. (Maritime Administration, Indonesia.)
Implementation of the code for the investigation of marine casualties and incidents : a critical analysis, Kevin Thomas Ghirxi. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Malta.)
The ISM Code implementation and its effects on maritime claims, Lankadhar M. Golapalli. (Shipping Management, India.)
Analysis of the optimisation of berth allocation : berth allocation with an external terminal facility, H.J.K.U. Kumara. (Port Management, Sri Lanka.)
Addressing major maritime security issues of global, regional and national significances : law and policy implications in the context of China, Yingping Li. (Maritime Administration, China.)
The role and responsibility of minor stakeholders in the elimination of substandard shipping : a critical analysis, Wayne A. Mykoo. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Jamaica.)
Conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea, Jean Ver Pugal Pia. (Maritime Administration, Philippines.)
A model for measuring quality of port services in a container terminal, Ali Akbar Safaei. (Port Management, Iran.)
Maritime security-terrorism threat to shipping, ports and oil fields, Chandra Mouli Srivastava. (Shipping Management, India.)
Marine oil pollution legislation for the Gulf of Guinea, Aka Aloysius Tazi. (Maritime Administration, Cameroon.)
Maritime and port facility security : an analysis of threats from international terrorism, Peter Thuo. (Maritime Administration, Kenya.)
The internationalization, unilateralism and regionalization of maritime safety and protection of the marine environment : a comparative study, Janeta Toma. (Maritime Administration, Romania.)