Theses/Dissertations from 2008
To determine the potential for Brunei Darussalam Maura container terminal to serve as a transhipment hub for the Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines EAST ASEAN growth area (BIMP-EAGA) region, Helmi Haji Talib. (Port Management, Brunei.)
The enhancement of operational safety of engine room machinery through training on CBT type of engine room simulator on board ships, John F. Harvey Jr.. (Maritime Education & Training, Liberia.)
The cost analysis of liner shipping business, Yue Huang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on logistic management in Deltai Medical Company, Yan Hu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on union mode of e-waste reverse logistics in China, Hewei Kong. (International Transport and Logistics,
The role of technology in maritime security : a survey of its development, application, and adequacy, Bhim S. Kothari. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, India.)
Research on development strategy of Shanghai Port’s container transport, Feng Liu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on application on 3PL in air conditioners industry, Yifei Li. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on information integration of Zhoushan Port and its external environment, Peiyao Lu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on the integration of coastal ports in Guangxi, Li Ma. (International Transport and Logistics,
The research on container operations at container freight station and RFID implementation, Kasarla Naga Chandra Mohan. (International Transport and Logistics,
The research on the development of small and medium sized logistics enterprises in China, Danyun Qiu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Impact of privatization in ports : measuring efficiency through data envelopment analysis and key performance indicators, Nana E. Quansah. (Port Management, Ghana.)
Beating the deadline : archipelagic state compliance under UNCLOS article 47, Fedelyn A. Santos. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Research on the competitive strategies of China Shipping Container Lines, Mingzhi Song. (International Transport and Logistics,
Effective implementation of the international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships, Ji Hoon Suk. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, South Korea.)
The development research on Chinese third-party cold chain logistics, Tianqing Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on Bohai Bay coal ports in coal transportation from North to South China, Huan Xia. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on strategy for COSCO to develop logistics services, Yadun Xu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on the development of COSCO dry bulk transportation, Bo Yang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Analysis of methods for Z company to deal with single hull VLCC, Chen Ye. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on construction of agri-products logistics system in Wenzhou, Yiqi Ye. (International Transport and Logistics,
The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) : the compability with UNCLOS and the 2005 SUA convention - the way forward in the East Asian region, Tokimasa Yokoi. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Japan.)
The analysis of Shanghai Broad Shipping Company's development strategy, Lu Zhang. (International Transport and Logistics,
The development research on Chinese railway logistics, Yuanyuan Zhang. (International Transport and Logistics,
The development research on Zhoushan shipbuilding and ship repair industry, Jing Zhou. (International Transport and Logistics,
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
An analysis of the voluntary IMO member state audit scheme, Kwaku Anthony Afriyie. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Ghana.)
Integrated coastal spatial allocation and planning of aquaculture in a geographical information system approach, Andrew Ehiabhi Akhighu. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Nigeria.)
European Union maritime safety regime : impact of EU twinning projects in the enlargement process, Marie Alm. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Sweden.)
Safety management in shipping : an historical comparison to the state of the art, Ronald Amanyire. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Uganda.)
An analysis of the study of mechanical properties and microstructural relationship of HSLA steels used in ship hulls, Htay Aung. (Maritime Education & Training, Myanmar.)
Analysis of the China factor effect on the international dry bulk shipping market, Xiaoxiao Bi. (International Transport and Logistics,
The development research on market of Chinese seafarer market, Jin Cao. (International Transport and Logistics,
Shiprepair competition : drivers and opportunities, Robert Castrillon Dussan. (Port Management, Columbia.)
Research on logistics operation mode of Shanghai 2010 Expo, Jiaying Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,
Shipping economic analysis of enlargement for containership to Maersk AE10, Xiaodi Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on third party chemical logistics in Shanghai, Yiqing Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,
Interrelations between dry bulk forward freight agreements and the dry bulk spot market, Alexis G. Doucas. (Shipping Management, France.)
How the Suez Canal can contribute to the reduction of air pollution from ships, Mohamed Moustafa Abbas El Kalla. (Port Management, Egypt.)
An assessment of the competitiveness level of Elsokhna container terminal in Egypt to the Middle East and east Mediterranean transhipment container market, Mohi Eldin Mohamed Elsayeh Ibrahim Attia. (Port Management, Egypt.)
An approach to the optimum utilization of training vessels in order to carry out the most suitable practical training, Yutaka Emi. (Maritime Education & Training, Japan.)
Research of customer relationship management (CRM) in a logistics company, Surui Fang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Appropriateness of problem based learning in maritime education and training, Mokrane Fedila. (Maritime Education & Training, Algeria.)
Flag state control : an overview and its relationship with port state control, Iqbal Fikri. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Indonesia.)
The analysis and forecast of cargo throughput in inland waterway port of Baoshan District, Shanghai, Xiang Gu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on KPI management project of the finished vehicle logistics business enterprise, Wenxin Hao. (International Transport and Logistics,
An analysis of cruise tourism in the Caribbean and its impact on regional destination ports, Adrian Hilaire. (Port Management, Saint Lucia.)
Research on the status quo and operational modes of Chinese petrochemical logistics, Jiajie Hou. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on the port hinterland segment problem based on Shanghai Port, Yi Hua. (International Transport and Logistics,
Analysis of Shanghai Port's competitiveness after the operation of Yangshan Deep-water Port, Wei Jiang. (International Transport and Logistics,
The study on Sinochem shipping corporation’s fleet expansion, Yunhao Ji. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on Modern Port Logistics (MPL) and forecasting container throughput of Shanghai port, Jingye Li. (International Transport and Logistics,
The analysis of regional logistics capacity and enterprise performance-Bengbu and BBCA Group analysis, Liang Liu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on grade evaluation of port shoreline in Jiangsu Province, Wei Li. (International Transport and Logistics,
Strategic research on the construction of Tianjin Northern International Shipping Center, Zongna Li. (International Transport and Logistics,
Ocean governance in the developing countries : a comparative analysis of Fiji and the Philippines, Ramon S. Lopez. (Integrated Coastal & Ocean Management, Philippines.)
Transportation of stowaways, drugs and contraband by sea from the Maghreb region : legal and policy aspects, Semir T. Maksen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Algeria.)
Balancing seafarers' welfare and maritime security with biometrics, Neera Malhotra. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
Globalization: drive to the decline of liner conferences, Junlei Mao. (International Transport and Logistics,
The potential implications of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, for policy and management in the maritime sector : a critical analysis, Veganaden Maunikum. (Maritime Law & Policy, Mauritius.)
Countermeasures for the chemicals transportation of the Zhangjiagang Port, Qiangqiang Miao. (International Transport and Logistics,
Development of maritime policy through bilateral arrangements : trade and crewing aspects, Özlem Mulun. (Maritime Law & Policy, Turkey.)
Investigating the effectiveness of hedging bunker price fluctuation, Dang Ben Nguyen. (Shipping Management, Vietnam.)
The study on the vessel size of container transport in the Yangtze River, Chenchen Peng. (International Transport and Logistics,
Communication skills and cultural awareness - model course, Altaf Ur Rehman. (Maritime Education & Training, Pakistan.)
Environmental issues in coastal waters - Pakistan as a case study, Naved Sayied. (Maritime Law & Policy, Pakistan.)
From pen to paper : a study of the dissertation as a tool for communicating students' understanding and creative abilities in the maritime social science context, Nang Arm Seng. (Maritime Education & Training, Myanmar.)
Research of BE550 rigs transportation projects, Lifeng Shi. (International Transport and Logistics,
The application of insurable interest in marine transportation, Lijun Shi. (International Transport and Logistics,
Empowering the seafarer : manpower solution of the shipping industry, Inderveer Solanki. (Maritime Education & Training, India.)
Departure from COLREGS infringement or good seamanship, Rakish Suppiah. (Maritime Law & Policy, Malaysia.)
The study on Ningbo-Zhoushan Port's integrative development, Zaozhi Tao. (International Transport and Logistics,
Studying the selection of ports on liner routes, Nguyen Khoi Tran. (Port Management, Vietnam.)
Cultural sensitivity education : limiting the adverse effects of multicultural crewing in shipping, Thi Thuong Tran. (Maritime Education & Training, Vietnam.)
Research on the development of trans-regional operation of Shanghai Yangshan Port, Die Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,
the logistics supplier selection of SGM with AHP method, Jian Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on multi-agent-based shipping information system, Kai Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,
A study of Activity-Based Cost Evaluation for the performance of modern shipbuilding enterprise, Shuyu Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on development strategy of new oriental based on cooperation between Laingyungang Port and China shipping, Yizhou Wei. (International Transport and Logistics,
The study on function and application of financial leasing for the development of small-medium shipping enterprises in China, Tian Wen. (International Transport and Logistics,
The study on inland container terminal logistics system simulation, Jun Wu. (International Transport and Logistics,
A contrastive analysis on logistics costs between China and some developed countries, Xuanxuan Wu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Choice and optimization of forecasting models for container port throughput, Qingcheng Xue. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on competitiveness of Dalian Port, Zhaobo Xu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research and analysis on the competence of China’s chemical shipping enterprise, Huan Yu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on XY Group developing 3PL in the Xiamen Xiangyu bonded logistics park, Wei Zeng. (International Transport and Logistics,
Research on establishment of oil spill emergency response system in China Qingdao Port based on ANN, Ge Zhang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Application of ISO tank in chemimcal logisitcs in China and relative issues, Hao Zhang. (International Transport and Logistics,
Study on agile service oriented shipping companies in container terminal, Xin Zhao. (International Transport and Logistics,
On the petroleum security strategy and fleet development of China Shipping Tanker Company, Ye Zhao. (International Transport and Logistics,
The study on the empty container repositioning of container leasing company, Yi Zhao. (International Transport and Logistics,
The analysis of the bullwhip effect in Chinese medicine supply chain, Haiming Zhu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Risk analysis of mega container ship, Xiaojing Zhu. (International Transport and Logistics,
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Intermodal shipping : an examination of the security framework with emphasis on container security, Maged Mohamed Abdou. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Egypt.)
Study on the marketing strategy of Tianjin port logistics center, Huang. Aigang. (International Transportation & Logistics, China.)
Shipboard security analysis for safety of navigation using the Automatic Identification System (AIS) : a practical view from some maritime administrations of the European Union countries, Fidelis Kedgu Akanga. (Maritime Administration,
Role and importance of the simulator instructor, Asghar Ali. (Maritime Education & Training, Pakistan.)
The regime of boarding ships in international maritime law, Salam Khadim Baghdad Al-Khafaji. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection, Iraq.)
Crewing of ships in contemporary ship registry systems : safety and socio-economic considerations, Lyudmyla Balyk. (Shipping Management, Ukraine.)
International law principles of continental shelf delimitation and Sino-Japanese East China Sea disputes, Ying Cai. (Maritime Administration, China.)