The following news clippings about World Maritime University were collected between 1980 and 1990. This covers the early years of the university, including the pre-inaugural planning phase. The range of sources include prominent trade journals, IMO News, Scandinavian newspapers, and WMU communiqués. Many of them have yet to be identified. To begin with, authorship is not always attributed in journalistic articles, but in many cases the items that were scanned did not provide the title of the article or the title of the periodical in which it appeared.
Readers who can identify or provide more details to these anonymous, title-less clippings are encouraged to contact the library.
Special thanks to library interns, Sélène Boixel and her brother, Malo Boixel, for their efforts in scanning and cataloging the materials for this project.
Submissions from 1989
WMU offers port management course, David Robinson
Efter examen på Malmö FN-universitet : Nu reser Althea hem till Väst-Indien, Maria Sehlin
New head of Panama register confident of fee strategy success, Deborah Seyman
Appeal on behalf of the World Maritime University, C. P. Srivastava
"IMO healthy despite debts", C. P. Srivastava
Safer ships and cleaner oceans : thirty years' work of the International Maritime Organization, C. P. Srivastava
World Maritime University Appeal, C. P. Srivastava
FNs generalsekreterare kommenterar akut Mellanöstern-kris från rektorsrummet på LU, Solveig Stahl
Igår rodde de sin examen i hamn, Åke Wiktorsson
Free translations of the three articles appearing 4 December in the three local Malmö dailies covering the Graduation Ceremony on Sunday 3 December, World Maritime University
Graduation ceremony, class of 1989 (invitation & program), World Maritime University
Graduating class of 1989, party invitation, World Maritime University Student Council
The Lookout : News and views from the students of the World Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
99 tog sjöfartsexamen, Britt Yngveson
Conduite du navire : La formation en RFA, Gunther Zade
Nya VDn för Redareföreningen, Karin Zillén
Submissions from 1988
Aims and operation of World Maritime Law Institute in Malta, Anonymous
"Bus 31" - A letter to the editor of Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Anonymous
Entrevista al Rector de la Universidad Maritima Mundial, Anonymous
Femte kullen lämnar FN-universitetet, Anonymous
IMO International Maritime Law Institute inaugurated, Anonymous
IMO "Model Courses" published, Anonymous
IMO Safer Seas : More fellowships help to secure university funding, Anonymous
Maritime training academies implement IMO model courses, Anonymous
Maritime training heads to meet, Anonymous
Över 100 fick FNs sjöbetyg, Anonymous
Sjöfartsuniversitet 5-årsjubilerar, Anonymous
Sju besökare från sju nationer, Anonymous
Studiebesog fra Western Samoa, Anonymous
University branches attend Malmö seminar, Anonymous
Världssjöfartsuniversitetet i Malmö ett experiment i utbildning och samlevnad, Anonymous
Visit from the World Maritime University, Malmö, Anonymous
WMU, Anonymous
WMU meets Charter aims says Review, Anonymous
World Martitime firar fem år World Maritime celebrates five years, Anonymous
Rivas eller inte ? : Ollén gav svävande svar, Mickael Bergstrand
The second staff v. student football match, Clive Cole
The first five years, International Maritime Organization and World Maritime University
Svårare hitta elevbostäder, Hakan Jacobsson
International Maritime University, Mustafa Massad
Fünf Jahre Weltschiffahrtsuniversität Malmö - kontinuierliche Zusammenarbeit mit der IH für Seefahrt Warnemünde/Wustrow, Eckard Moeck and Eberhard Schröder
A lady from Trinidad and Tobago learns it the Stena way, Erik Nordström
Graduation ceremony, class of 1988 (procedures), Erik Nordström
Information about WMU, Erik Nordström
The early history of WMU, Erik Nordström
Rekordmånga studenter färdiga sjöfartsexperter, Per-Ola Ohlsson
"Iranska militärer utbildas i Malmö", Mikael Olander
Malmös unika universitetet har bevarat sin FN-anda, Caroline Owman
Malmö i fokus för FN-planer, Birgitta Piper
Certain conditions at the so called UN-school in Malmö, Åge Ramsby
Tjecker på "brobyggar-resa", Eva Rothstein
FN-skolans rektor avvisar anklagelserna : Eleverna spionerar inte, Lasse Sandström
"Sir William Harris" lecture, C. P. Srivastava
Fifth anniversary : Reception (invitation card), World Maritime University
Graduation ceremony, class of 1988 (invitation & program), World Maritime University
Recent developments at WMU, World Maritime University
World Maritime University : Personnel Officer (vacant position), World Maritime University
World Maritime University : Professor (vacant position), World Maritime University
World Maritime University : Servicepool (vacant position), World Maritime University
The Lookout : News and views from the students of the World Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
The Lookout : News and views from the students of the World Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
The education and training of senior maritime personnel at World Maritime University, Gunther Zade
The importance of modern technology, Gunther Zade
WMU-Progress report, Gunther Zade
Submissions from 1987
Mer känt i världen än det är i Malmö, Tord Ajanki
Developing countries benefit from IMO input, Anonymous
Ett FN-universitet i Malmö, Anonymous
Examen vid Sjöfartsuniversitetet, Anonymous
FN-institution i Malmö - Ett programförslag, Anonymous
"Global cooperation" : the theme when World Maritime Day was celebrated at WMU in Malmö, Anonymous
Graduation ceremony, class of 1987 (invitation), Anonymous
Stan i dag : FN-universitetet, Anonymous
The World Maritime University, Anonymous
Training the law-makers and enforcers, Anonymous
Utländskt studentbesök, Anonymous
WMU students in Leningrad, Anonymous
World Maritime University at Viking, Anonymous
The World Maritime University, T. F. Balmer
Stadsmiljögruppen stöttas av hemligt konsortium : Villiga att köpa ut Saab, Anders Fagerström
"Malmö har FN-andan!", Bosse Hansson
The World Maritime University - vår nyaste högskola, N H
The World Maritime University, P. K. Menon
US to send teacher to maritime school, Robert F. Morison
Graduation at World Maritime University, Malmö 85 students from 48 nations leave Malmö, Erik Nordström
Open house at World Maritime University, Erik Nordström
World Maritime University, Erik Nordström
Graduation ceremony 1987, Peter Rohmee
Report on the progress of the World Maritime University, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization
World Maritime University : Report of the Board of Governors, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization
Message from the Chancellor, World Maritime University
World Maritime University requires the following two full time positions : Library assistant and assistant (students affairs), World Maritime University
Dinner invitation on the occasion of the meeting of the Boards of Governors of the World Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
Graduation ceremony, class of 1987 (invitation, program & message from the rector), World Maritime University Student Council
Graduation ceremony, class of 1987 (procedures), World Maritime University Student Council
The first annual staff v. student football match (poster + folder), World Maritime University Student Council
The Lookout : News and views from the students of the Word Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
Moderne Technologie in Ortung und Navigation, Gunther Zade
Submissions from 1986
World shipping for peace, Gabriella Ahlström