The following news clippings about World Maritime University were collected between 1980 and 1990. This covers the early years of the university, including the pre-inaugural planning phase. The range of sources include prominent trade journals, IMO News, Scandinavian newspapers, and WMU communiqués. Many of them have yet to be identified. To begin with, authorship is not always attributed in journalistic articles, but in many cases the items that were scanned did not provide the title of the article or the title of the periodical in which it appeared.
Readers who can identify or provide more details to these anonymous, title-less clippings are encouraged to contact the library.
Special thanks to library interns, Sélène Boixel and her brother, Malo Boixel, for their efforts in scanning and cataloging the materials for this project.
Submissions from 1990
A degree of knowledge, Anonymous
Afrikaner vill pröva Malmös fina busstrafik, Anonymous
Back to school to get more ship-shape, Anonymous
Capt. Danny Waters, Anonymous
Günther Zade, Anonymous
IMO Notes - a review of the Organization's current work, Anonymous
New Rector at WMU, Anonymous
Ny rektor för Malmös sjöfartsuniversitet, Anonymous
Other fish to fry, Anonymous
Periodek van de vereniging van oud-leerlingen der zeevaartschool terschelling, Anonymous
Rektor för WMU, Anonymous
SATT looks to rebuild after board changes, Anonymous
SCI signs a training pact with Unctad, Anonymous
Sjöfartsrektor från Australien, Anonymous
Walters is appointed new WMU rector, Anonymous
Waters ny sjöfartsrektor, Anonymous
WMU appeal, Anonymous
WMU-främmande från Dubai, Anonymous
WMU launches cash appeal, Anonymous
WMU studies a spur for change in Malaysian shipping, Anonymous
World Maritime University, Captain Danny Waters, Anonymous
World Maritime University : Professor Günther Zade, Anonymous
University's key role in marine world, Martyn Barr
The last word - Swedish Shipping : Erik Nordström, Michael Grinter
Efter höken kommer en duva : Redareföreningens nye vd vill samarbeta med facken, Lennart Johnsson
Okändstorhet Annorlunda Malmöskola ger världen säkrare sjöfart c) Florence, student på WMU : "- Det är precis rätt utbildning för mig, Mats G. Svensson
Freddie - allt-i-allo för världens sjöfarare b) Freddie från Trelleborg - FN-universitetets allt-i-allo c) Unik skola ger saker sjöfart, Ingrid Wall and Claes Nyberg
The Lookout : News and views from the students of the World Maritime University, World Maritime University Student Council
Submissions from 1989
Aden-Malmö-Helsinki, Anonymous
AMC (Australian Maritime College) hosts international meetings, Anonymous
An appeal on behalf of the World Maritime University is to be launched, Anonymous
"Århus havnevaesen ...", Anonymous
Att segla är absolut nödvändigt, Anonymous
Bateau Mouche IV, Anonymous
Become Friends of the World Maritime University, Anonymous
Bonjorno Trieste, Anonymous
Can the new Mr. IMO beat the budget blues ?, Anonymous
Captain Danny Waters to head IMO World Maritime University, Anonymous
Cash calls, Anonymous
Education and Training : The World Maritime University, Anonymous
Graduation women, class of 1989 (photo), Anonymous
High student intake at Malmö, Anonymous
Hörsal till World Maritime, Anonymous
IMO must spread net says Saudi candidate, Anonymous
IMO Notes - a review of the Organization's current work : World Maritime University appeal, Anonymous
IMO - the place of understanding, Anonymous
IMO university in funds appeal, Anonymous
"Last month's IMO Assembly marked the 30th anniversary of the organisation ...", Anonymous
Liberian scholarship to WMU, Anonymous
Look-out : Cheap lesson, Anonymous
Look out : Learned investment, Anonymous
Maritieme interesse voor Terschelling, Anonymous
New professor at WMU, Anonymous
No laughing matter, Anonymous
People and places : Plum Job, Anonymous
Places : Start of term, Anonymous
Plaque in honor of LSC unveiled at WMU, Anonymous
Progress report on the World Maritime University, Anonymous
Securing the Future by Maritime Training, Anonymous
Showing you care, Anonymous
Sjövägen - Miljövägen : 1989 års sjöfartsriksdag i Malmö, Anonymous
Swedish Shipowners' Association, Anonymous
The WMU appeal, Anonymous
The World Maritime University L'Université Maritime Mondiale, Anonymous
WMU appeals for funds, Anonymous
WMU reaches a full student complement and embarks upon new campus facilities, Anonymous
WMU students tackle major national shipping projects, Anonymous
World Maritime University, Anonymous
World Maritime University, Anonymous
World Maritime University (the first student from the Soviet Union joins the WMU), Anonymous
The third annual staff v. student football match, Clive Cole
Anklagelse mot World Maritime University : FN-skolan utbildar militärer, Anders Fagerström
Holding centre stage at IMO, Geoff Garfield
Mensah wants to see greater IMO-UN cooperation, Geoff Garfield
Champion's clarion call to WMU class of 89, Michael Grey
1) World Maritime University cash appeal 2) IMO sees funding shortfall top $11m, Andrew Guest
Successful WMU in cash appeal, Andrew Guest
"Fyrvaktaren" som tar över redarna, Anna Gunnert
Cover story : Bill O'Neil - better the devil you know, John Guy
Olga Bosquez - "my country needs me", John Guy
Out to lunch, John Guy
WMU - the place of learning, John Guy
The World Maritime University, International Maritime Organization
Sjöfartsuniversitetet ett lyckat experiment, Jan-Erik Jansson
Malavi ska lära av Kalmar hamn, Thorsten Jansson
Cash crisis to dominate IMO, John Landells
Norway's troubleshooter sets his sights on 1990s, John Landells
O'Neil would seek a balance in approach to changes, John Landells
The World Maritime University, George Marcoyannis
Bara vinterisen skiljer dem åt..., Kjell Martinsson
World Maritime University Studies in Leningrad, S. Mekhrengin
Regional cooperation in the transfer of management and technology - Shangai Seminar, Philip Moding
Busy students, Monitor
World Maritime University : World Maritime Day, W. S. G. Morrison
New rector at WMU, Erik Nordström
WMU : Apex of the "training pyramid" : Erik Nordström, rector, describes the WMU's achievements, Erik Nordström
WMU Studiebesök 6 Feb. 1989 (scrapbook), Ribersborgsskolan