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Manning Annual Review & Forecast Annual 2023/24 provides one of the most complete annual assessments of vessel manning costs available in a single source. Seafarer cost assessments, trends and employment terms are provided for 38 representative ship types, spanning the chemical, container, dry bulk, general cargo, LPG, LNG, offshore, oil tankers, reefers and RoRo sectors. The report also examines current and projected supply and demand for seafarers and the likely impact on skills requirements and wage costs.
- Benchmark crew wages and employment terms - Officer wage rates 2013-2023 and voyage length/leave by nationality covering container, dry bulk, LNG, tankers and offshore support vessels
- Crew budgets - Crewing budgets including wage, victualing, travel and miscellaneous costs, for 38 different vessel types & sizes covering the chemical, container, dry bulk, general cargo, LPG, LNG, offshore, oil tankers, reefers and RoRo sectors
- Employment terms & 5-year cost forecasts - Trends in terms and conditions of service, including voyage length and leave, as well as manning cost forecasts covering the period 2024-2028
- Seafarer supply – Latest trends and projections for seafarer supply, including assessments of key drivers such as occupation and wage rate attractiveness relative to shore-based roles, with forecasts of officer supply to 2028
- Seafarer demand – Latest trends and projections for seafarer demand, including assessment of key drivers such as fleet development by sector, on-board numbers and backup ratios, with forecasts of officer demand to 2028
- Global seafarer supply and demand – Complete analysis and projections for seafarer availability, together with implications for different vessel sectors and overall wage levels, as well as forecasts to 2028
- Country analysis - Seafarer supply 2016-2023, 2023 wage rates breakdown across 10 pay grades, premium rates, pay relative to shore-based roles, seafarer reputation and market sentiment. Data covers Bulgaria, China, Croatia, India, Latvia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and UK
- Rising seafarer supply regions/countries: Analysis of emerging sources of seafarer supply in Africa and South East Asia. Data covers Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam
- Crewing employment best practice: Comparison of compensation schemes, criteria for assessing promotion readiness and performance management
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