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The maritime industry, one of the world’s most influential industries, is developing with a rapid speed. There is, therefore, a special need to find new approaches to prepare students to be ready for the changing realities of modern life. Taking into account generational peculiarities of information perception, new approaches were developed with the aim of building a number of competencies for future marine specialists in order to manage ships safely and efficiently. Ukrainian sailors are said to reflect a high level of training and professional skills, which is considered to be a distinguishing feature. Nevertheless, nowadays Ukrainian seafarers are facing new realities trying to be competitive in the world labour market. Using the approaches created by the authors for the delivery of special courses during navigator training, the key component of continuous professional development was implemented effectively. The authors have evaluated the effectiveness of the approaches by processing the learning outcomes of a focus group. It was found that the tested approaches developed the ability of the students to analyse, evaluate and create, which are crucial in the lifelong learning process to continuously improve professional knowledge, skills and competencies.

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