Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Investment appraisal in the purchase of a second hand panamax bulk carrier : employment under a contract of affreightment, Domingos da Silva Fortes. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Angola.)
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
The effectiveness of port marketing, Muhammad Muctaru Carew. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Sierra Leone.)
A port infrastructural development plan for the facilitation of bauxite exports from Guyana, Thomas. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Guyana.)
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Comparative analysis between the ports in Valparaiso and San Antonio, Rodrigo Ricardo Garcia Bernal. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Chile.)
Towards a port marketing plan for Kingston Terminal Operators Limited, Claudia K. Gordon. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Jamaica.)
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
General characteristics of the liner shipping and analysis of turkish liners within turkish trade and shipping, Aka. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Turkey.)
Optimal Vessel Type for Jordan's Trade Requirements, Mohamad El-Dalabieh. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Jordan.)
Seaport planning in Zaire: an analysis of constraints and potentialities, J. Kabwita Tshilomb. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Zaire.)
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Cost-benefit analysis in a port development project using a simulation model, Young Tae Chang. (Ports and Shipping Administration, South Korea.)
Enforcement of maritime claims in Jamaica, Hugh Clifton Hyman. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Jamaica.)
Fisheries development of Somalia, Kawdan. (Ports and Shipping Administration, Somalia.)