
Theses/Dissertations from 2019


A comparative study on port integration in different areas in China, Jiaqi Li. (International Transport and Logistics,


The effect of latest shipping alliance on shipping industry, Lingjie Li. (International Transport and Logistics,


Analysis of the influence of Ningbo-Zhoushan port development on regional economy, Manxi Li. (International Transport and Logistics,


Synergistic development between shipping centers and cities of excellence, Xiao Li. (International Transport and Logistics,


Correlation analysis between container shipping market and Sino-US trade under the China-US trade conflict, Changqing Lu. (International Transport and Logistics,


The impact of Sino-US trade conflict on international dry bulk shipping market, Yuefeng Lyu. (International Transport and Logistics,


Assessment of factors causing port congestion: a case of the port Dar es Salaam, Fadhili Harubu Maneno. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Tanzania.)


Optimizing the start-up of a public maritime education training institute: a case study of the Philippine Coast Guard Academy, Dorothy Degala Manglicmot. (Maritime Education & Training, Philippines.)


Stakeholder engagement in marine spatial planning of Bangladesh, Mohammad Samsul Mannan. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Bangladesh.)


Simulation training and assessment in maritime education and training, Cho Thet Maung. (Maritime Education & Training, Myanmar.)


An appraisal of ports to the socio economic development of Cameroon: case of the port of Douala, Munge Mbongalle. (Port Management, Cameroon.)


An impact assessment of Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) fishing In Central Africa as a step towards sustainability in Africa’s fishing industry: case study : Cameroon, Noella Njeuyap Mbotiji. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Cameroon.)


The protection of the marine environment within the territorial seas and contiguous zone of India as part of salvage interventions, Pooran Chand Meena. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)


Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Angola as a case study, Jandira Camilo Mendes. (Maritime Law & Policy, Angola.)


ROs, forgery, and fraud in the context of Honduran ship certificates, Angelica Dalida Meza. (Maritime Law & Policy, Honduras.)


Understanding the concept of limitation of liability per package/unit under a bill of lading contracts globally in general and in Ethiopia in particular, Melaku Mitiku. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ethiopia.)


Addressing the de-skilling of seafarers post seagoing careers: the case study of Kenya, Talib Ibrahim Mohammed. (Maritime Education & Training, Kenya.)


The impact of IMO's global sulphur cap the shipping industry and the latter's countermeasure, Jorge Morales. (International Transport and Logistics,


Assessing ship ownership opportunities for South Africa based on competitive advantage, Siphosethu Mthembu and Prince Williams. (Port Management, South Africa.)


A case study of the implementation and enforcement of MARPOL Annex VI sulphur regulations in Kenya, Annette Wangari Muriithi. (Maritime Law & Policy, Kenya.)


An assessment of container terminal efficiency in East Africa ports using data envelopment analysis (DEA): the case of Dar es Salaam & Mombasa ports, Makiri Manase Fredrick Ngangaji. (Port Management, Tanzania.)


A study of national laws of Vietnam on compensation for ship-source oil pollution, Mai Thanh Truc Nguyen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)


The development of a ship-server power / emission assessment model: case study on big data analysis for real-time ship operation, Omeje Jean Nkechinyere. (Maritime Energy Management, Nigeria.)


Wind propulsion optimisation and its integration with solar power, Mphatso Nsanjama Nyanya and Huy Ba Vu. (Maritime Energy Management, Malawi,Vietnam.)


Harnessing the potentials of the blue economy for Kenya’s sustainable development, Enock Mong'are Okemwa. (Maritime Education & Training, Kenya.)


Challenges for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 in Indonesia, Monica Ajeng Oktaviany. (Maritime Law & Policy, Indonesia.)


An analysis of the challenges hindering the Nigerian cabotage act, Abimbola Augustina Osemwegie. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)


The significance of marine autonomous surface ships: prospects to the Philippine maritime industry, Dennis A. Pandeagua. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)


Development of Angola offshore bunkering market post 2020, towards a hub for the Sub-Saharan West Africa, Aguinaldo Antonio Pedro. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Angola.)


Improving simulation-based training to better serve the maritime community: a comparative research between the aviation and maritime domains, Duc Cong Pham. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Vietnam.)


An assessment of development opportunities of ship recycling facilities based on the shipbuilding yards' infrastructures in Vietnam, The Quyen Pham. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Vietnam.)


Maritime education and training (MET) funding models in different jurisdictions: challenges and opportunities in South Africa, Nomzamo Confidence Phewa. (Maritime Education & Training, South Africa.)


The role of port authority in hybrid governance structure: a comparative case study of Laem Chabang Port and Bangkok Port, Thailand, Yatimaporn Poontai. (Port Management, Thailand.)


The methodologist for regulation a new policy of ship recycling in Indonesia based on HKC 2009, Hadi Prabowo. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Indonesia.)


Offshore support vessels market: sales & purchase, and chartering strategies for PSV and AHTS : an evaluation of the influential factors, Juan Manuel Pulido Guzman. (Port Management, Colombia.)


Sino-US container transportation route selection based on the expansion of Panama Canal, Yidan Qin. (International Transport and Logistics,


Study on the reward and compensation policy for the engagement of social force in maritime search and rescue in China, Shanshan Qu. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)


Logistics performance and its impact to exports growth of Sri Lanka, Sebastian Shanika Roshini. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Sri Lanka.)


The implementation challenge of Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention and the related analysis within the existing Malaysian national law, Ahmad Zawawi Saharuddin. (Maritime Law & Policy, Malaysia.)


A critical analysis of ship registration system in the United Republic of Tanzania, Mohamed Malick Salum. (Maritime Law & Policy, Tanzania.)


Approaches to teamwork and leadership training in maritime education and training institutions: a comparative analysis of the perspectives of seafarers towards teamwork and leadership across different regions, Kirtan Sanjeev Vakil. (Maritime Education & Training, India.)


Sustainably leveraging the blue economy through public private partnerships: a case study of Namibia’s port development, Carol Jaimy Schroeder. (Maritime Law & Policy, Namibia.)


The lead-lag relationship between vessel traffic and dry bulk freight market, Deni̇z Can Serter. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Turkey.)


Awareness of cypersecurity threats in the Port of the Freetown, Sierra Leone, Malik Abdul Karim Sesay. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Sierra Leone.)


Potentials and challenges for Egypt to achieve blue growth: an SDG 14 perspective, Mamdouh Awad Abdelrahman Shahhat. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Egypt.)


Maritime autonomous surface ships: caught between the devil’s advocate and the deep blue sea, A.v.raghav Sharma. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)


IMO 2020 sulfur cap: green investment in shipping industry, Nishank Sharma. (Shipping Management & Logistics, India.)


Freight fluctuation risk assessment and management of container shipping companies, Bochan Shen. (International Transport and Logistics,


Assessment of ammonia ignition as a maritime fuel, using engine experiments and chemical kinetic simulations, Abubakar Mahmud Sheriff and Abdoulaye Tall. (Maritime Energy Management, Liberia,Senegal.)


The development and maintenance of maritime education and training (MET) in Liberia: a historical analysis, Miatta Sonie Sherif. (Maritime Education & Training, Liberia.)


Optimization of the dedicated corridor system connecting Bohai Rim gateways, Xinyi Shi. (International Transport and Logistics,


The economic impact of low sulphur compliance on future fuel cost and container freight rates: a case study of Shanghai-Lagos, Usman Shuaibu. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Nigeria.)


Port selection criteria from logistics service providers' perspective: a case study of West Africa, Blessing Abimbola Simeon. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Nigeria.)


Development of a holistic framework for shipyard energy management : a case study on production facilities and technology, Morné Irshkin Sinden. (Maritime Energy Management, Namibia.)


The evaluation on inspection implementation and the review on environmental impact assessment report: case study : the development of the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port in Cambodia regarding special economic zone, Chantha Sreng. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Cambodia.)


UNCTAD liner shipping connectivity index and the development strategy of Port of Colombo, Prasad Dumidu Subhawickrama. (Port Management, Sri Lanka.)


Human intervention in maritime safety accidents, Qinyan Sun. (International Transport and Logistics,


Introduction of e-learning: assessment and its impact on the Fijian seafarers, Mohammed Taslim. (Maritime Education & Training, Fiji.)


Legal analysis of national law on wrecks and abandoned ships in Turkish waters within the international legal framework, Safiye Tecen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Turkey.)


Analysis of the role of the shipping agent in the logistics chain and operations of crude oil tankers, during their port call to the oil terminal of Balao, Ecuador: case of study : EP FLOPEC, Juan Sebastian Vasquez Alvarez. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Ecuador.)


The importance of integrating “Biosecurity Policies” in the Peruvian maritime sector, Christian Velarde Morillas. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Peru.)


Study on the port classification of 21st century Maritime Silk Road west line, Jiawen Wang. (International Transport and Logistics,


A national approach to address the impacts of tourism on the marine environmental protection: within the maritime areas of Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis, Thema Jamila Ward. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, St. Kitts and Nevis.)


Towards ratification and implementation of ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 in the Maldives, Hussain Zameel. (Maritime Law & Policy, Maldives.)


Comparative analysis of SOx emission control technologies for container ships, Tongxu Zhang. (Shipping Management & Logistics, China.)


Research on the value estimation of ship optional orders, Zhili Zhang. (International Transport and Logistics,


Research on double-stack container transport organization in international multimodal transport, Xi Zhu. (International Transport and Logistics, China.)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Seafarer contribution to Malaysia economy, Ahmad Shuha Bin Abu Samah. (Maritime Education & Training, Malaysia.)


A critical analysis of technological interventions towards the national action plan for marine litter management 2018-2025: recommendations for addressing marine plastic litter in the ‘new balis’ of Indonesia sustainably, Kaisar Akhir. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Indonesia.)


Performance evaluation and solutions for port congestion focused on the container terminal: a case study of Khalifa bin Salman Port (KBSP) Kingdom of Bahrain, Mohamed Ebrahim A.S. Alhameedi, Abud Jamal Said, and Tri Wahyunita Mudjiono. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Bahrain, Kenya, Indonesia.)


Thailand VTS: an analysis of its capabilities to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation, Theeratch Amphanthongpaphakul. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Thailand.)


Investigating the issue of maritime domain awareness: the case of Ghana, Michael Agyare Asiamah. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Ghana.)


Challenges towards sustainable port development in India: the adverse effects of port development on coastal ecology and community in Ennore : a case study, Balaji Balasubramanian. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, India.)


Challenges towards sustainable port development in India: the adverse effects of port development on coastal ecology and community in Ennore : case study, Balaji Balasubramanian. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, India.)


Determination of the ordering for dry bulk shipping vessels, Tianyi Bao. (International Transport and Logistics,


Implementation and enforcement of the ISM Code in the Ethiopian Maritime Safety Administration, Lidya Kassahun Belete. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ethiopia.)


Study on the efficiency of China’s main river ports based on DEA model, Yunwu Cao. (International Transport and Logistics,


Ship operational performance modelling for voyage optimization through fuel consumption minimization, Meriam Chaal. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Tunisia.)


Horizontal integration in the port industry in China challenges and outlook, Jiren Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,


Analysis of Shanghai aviation hub logistics competitiveness, Tuo Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,


Study on bulk market of Panamax carrier in the past 20 years(1998-2018), Wei Chen. (International Transport and Logistics,


Impact of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) on VTS operations, Jia Chyuan Chong. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Singapore.)


Electronic certificates for ships: a LOFTY (legal, operations, fraud, trust) analysis, Bridget Cosgrave. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ireland / Canada.)


Cyber-security and marine insurance, Davit Dadiani. (Maritime Law & Policy, Georgia.)


Developing port marketing strategies: a case study for Bangkok Port, Thailand, Kanchisa Deerod. (Port Management, Thailand.)


The challenges and opportunities of anti-fouling systems: investigating of future demand and identifying the potential of energy saved, Fawzy Fathalla Fawzy Dekinesh. (Maritime Energy Management, Egypt.)


Biofouling impacts on the environment and ship energy efficiency, Adel Ali Desher. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Iraq.)


Study of the obligations of Panama as flag, coastal and port state with the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention, Javier Eloy Diaz Jimenez. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Panama.)


Assessing the impact of national single window on the competitiveness of Ghana's maritme sector, Rhodalyn Djanitey. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Ghana.)


Switching paper to electronic bills of lading : legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam, Thi Mai Anh Doan. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)


Managing single-use land-based plastics in Cameroon: recommendation drawn from global experiences, Etakong Tabeyang. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Cameroon.)


How to break the monopoly in port industrial, Minjiang Gao. (International Transport and Logistics,


Challenges to the legal framework governing liability and compensation for oil pollution in the Caspian Sea: the case of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ramil Gasimov. (Maritime Law & Policy, Azerbaijan.)


Ship energy management self-assessment (SEMSA) an introduction to new set of rules and standards in operation mode, Peyman Ghaforian Masodzadeh. (Maritime Energy Management, Iran.)


Modelling hybrid renewable energy system for Philippine Merchant Marine Academy: a feasibility study, Nayan Guimpayan. (Maritime Energy Management, Philippines.)


Threats, challenges and opportunities to marine protected areas in the coral triangle area: a case study of Indonesia sea, Baso Hamdani. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Indonesia.)


International container logistics transshipment service : comparison between Shanghai port and Singapore port, Tingyu Han. (International Transport and Logistics,

The maritime education and training sector: beyond traditional quality management, Htet Khaing Kyi Lin. (Maritime Education & Training, Myanmar.)


On the balance between port integration and anti-monopoly : China as a case, Ying Huang. (International Transport and Logistics,


The driving force analysis of the overseas ports invested by Shanghai international port group, Yuewen Hu. (International Transport and Logistics,