Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Assessing the state of implementing the International Maritime Organization (IMO) strategy for addressing marine plastic pollution in Nigeria, Lucia Urinrin Ushie. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Nigeria.)
Exploring underwater noise issues: a study of decentralized approach, Takanori Uzumaki. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Japan.)
The use of extended reality in maritime education and training: a case study of India, Tirth Sanjeev Vakil. (Maritime Education & Training, India.)
Marine plastic pollution: a review of the scientific evidence, current policies, and potential solutions, Hai Vuong. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Vietnam.)
Study on development of port service network along the maritime silk road via capacity sharing, Junwen Wang. (International Transportation & Logistics,
Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage (OCCS): Feasibility Analysis and Policy Measures, Weixuan Wang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage and Recommendations for Response in the Case of the Non-Spilling Ship in Marine Collision Incidents, Shiwei Wei. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
The attempt and operation of container sharing platform in the Yangtze River Delta: efficient transfer of empty containers and resources sharing, Yifei Wei. (International Transportation & Logistics,
A study on the e-navigation government framework: a Philippine perspective, Orly Wong. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)
Research on performance evaluation system of shipping enterprises under "Double Carbon" strategy, Xiaoyu Xue. (International Transportation & Logistics,
Risk Management during Spring Tide in Yangtze River Shanghai Section, Hongda Xu. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Research on investment risk and decision making in dry bulk ships: case study NIJIE Shipping World Limited, Mingyu Xu. (International Transportation & Logistics,
Research on Prevention and Management of Seafarer Fatigue, Yiheng Xu. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Design and implementation of China's refined oil shipping market prosperity index, Xingming Yang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Research on China Ship CO2 Emission Reduction Path:Under IMO Stage Targets, Biao Yi. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Imbalance of container shipping market in the pandemic era and shipping lines' strategies: a case study on COSCO shipping lines, Shuchang Yuan. (International Transportation & Logistics,
The Regulatory Regime of MASS: Challenges and Prospects, Kaiqi Zhang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management,
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluating human pressure on mangrove vegetation in Nigeria: a case study of the Niger Delta, Bashir Shehu Abubakar. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Nigeria.)
Attraction and retention of seafarers: a case study using choice-based conjoint analysis, Ankit Acharya. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, India.)
Empowering women in the Ghanaian maritime community: the relevance of laws and policies, Patricia Acolatse. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ghana.)
Exploration of occupational safety and health in Pakistan's ship breaking and recycling industry, Shehzad Akbar. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Pakistan.)
Investigating the implementation of the occupational safety and health management system in the scope of ship construction and repair yards in Azerbaijan compatible with ISO 45001, Ali Aliyev. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Azerbaijan.)
Enhancing pilotage performance in seaports: a reveiw of state-of-the-art technology, Zain Alabden Adil Abdulmunem Almusawi. (Port Management, Iraq.)
Implementing green port strategies in Saudi ports to achieve environmental sustainability, Saleh Mohammed Alzahrani. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Saudi Arabia.)
The determination of port automation levels using an analytic hierarchical process : a case study for the Port of Colombo, Waruna Lasantha De Silva Amarathunga. (Port Management, Sri Lanka.)
Integration of a hybrid microgrid system using renewable energy sources: a case study of Lagos Port Nigeria, Juliet Inze Amwe. (Maritime Energy Management, Nigeria.)
Assessing the effectiveness of maritime centres in the context of the implementation of the Code of Conduct Concerning the Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery against Ships and Illicit Maritime Activity in West and Central Africa (Yaounde Code Of Conduct), Richardis Kali Anabia-Tiah. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Ghana.)
Assessment of the uptake of greener technologies in international shipping: a case study on potential impacts of ammonia as an alternative fuel, on the health and safety of seafarers., Ifeanyi Chimezie Ananti. (Maritime Energy Management, Nigeria.)
Perceptions of mangrove ecosystem services and conservation priorities by decision-makers and key stakeholders in Nigeria, Saratu Inuwa Audu. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Nigeria.)
Threats and challenges to maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS): role of law enforcement agencies, Muhammad Adil Bajwa. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Pakistan.)
The global menace of “Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear” (ALDFG): best practice to manage ALDFG in Ghana’s fisheries sector, Linda Bana. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Ghana.)
Critical analysis of policies on single-use plastics disposal from ships as a source of pollution to the marine environment, Fatai Abiola Bello. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
Key determinants of a maritime logistics - hub: the case of Durban Container Terminal in South Africa, Nonqaba Jabulile Bengu. (Shipping Management & Logistics, South Africa.)
Analysis of the impacts of strategic alliances on the liner shipping industry: case of Asia - Europe route, Alphonce Mustapha Boge. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Tanzania.)
Evaluation of the implementation of distance education in MET, Kamal Ibrahim Buba. (Maritime Education & Training, Nigeria.)
Achieving sustainable development through capacity building: the small-scale fishing community: the small scale South African fishing community, Zinia Siposetu Bunyula. (Maritime Education & Training, South Africa.)
Evaluating the determinants of port productivity in Africa: a case study of Banjul Port in Gambia, Fatou Ceesay. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Gambia.)
The role of maritime education and training at the secondary level in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Gordon Kevin Charles. (Maritime Education & Training, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.)
Research on uncertainties and challenges of cyber security in maritime industry, Qianrong Chen. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
The ship-port interface safety management: case study of LNG ports and marine terminals in Algeria, Benyebka Cherigui. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Algeria.)
Mitigating maritime unemployment in Georgia: an MET perspective, Besik Chkhikvadze. (Maritime Education & Training, Georgia.)
Performance measurement of third-party logistics service providers/suppliers in shipping: a case study on Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC), Md Atiqur Rahaman Chowdhury. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Bangladesh.)
Governance options for high seas pockets of the Western and Central Pacific: a case study Of High Seas Pocket 4 or The North Fiji Basin, Lusiana Ranadi Dalituicama. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Fiji.)
Exploring a case for a common doctrine for the Asian coast guard agencies, Arachchillage Nishantha Danansooriya. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Sri Lanka.)
Examining the threat of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the Sibutu Passage and surrounding sea areas, Euphraim Jayson Diciano. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)
Exploring corporate social responsibility (SCR) in the South African shipping industry: focusing on private companies' social and economic dimensions of corporate social responsibility, Sizwe Sandile Dlamini. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Africa.)
Research on the development of port digitalization and SWOT analysis for digital ports, Ling Dong. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Analysis of the impact of establishing public shipping company in Timor-Leste, Júlio Dos Santos. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Timor-Leste.)
Regulating single-use plastic marine pollution: a case study of Nigeria, Oseghale Anthony Ebhaleme. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Nigeria.)
Evaluation of the operation of lighthouses and beacons in the Gulf of Suez, Tamer Saber Abdelhafez Elsayed. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Egypt.)
The Ivorian seafarer’s social security system and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, Agniman Stephanie Essanin. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Côte d’Ivoire.)
Development of faculty development program in the Philippine coast guard training institutes, Marissa Faycho-Bangayan. (Maritime Education & Training, Philippines.)
Text mining policy documents to support transboundary integrated ecosystem assessment: the case of the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Debora Cristina Ferrari Ramalho. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Brazil.)
Critical analysis of marine casualty investigation in the Philippines, Alberto T. Ferre. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)
Assessing maritime cyber security awareness in navies of the Gulf of Guinea countries: a case study of Ghana, Kwadwo Forson-Adaboh. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Ghana.)
Evaluating enforcement of environmental measures to fishing vessels not covered by SOLAS operating in Antarctic waters, Manuel Alejandro Fuenzalida Lopez. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Chile.)
Maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea with emphasis on Nigeria., Badaru Garba. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Nigeria.)
Impact of maritime trade on the Sierra Leonean economy, Raju Gidwani. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Sierra Leone.)
Weather routing for the refined management of passage, Guobao Gong. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Assessing the potential impacts of casualty investigation to maritime safety and security: the case of Uganda, Norman Gwebayanga. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Uganda.)
Energy efficient smart port development, implementing renewable energy in a port: a case study in Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Darshana Sampath Kumara Habakkala Watawala Kankanange. (Maritime Energy Management, Sri Lanka.)
Establishment of accident and casualty board in the Union of Comoros, Mbae Habchi. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Comoros.)
Study on ships’ routeing system at Yuxingnao Waters of Zhoushan Coastal, Qinglong Hao. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
The feasibility of utilizing hydrogen fuel cell, wind, and solar power on bulk carrier for propulsion, Saeid Hassankhani Dolatabadi. (Maritime Energy Management, Iran.)
Enhancing safety culture through maritime education and training : the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific model, Art Jamel Villa Hipol. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)
The role of cyber companies & classification societies in enhancing cyber resilience in a seaport, Zamangwane Hlongwane. (Port Management, South Africa.)
Ratification and implementation of the 2014 Amendments to the MLC, 2006: the case of China, Hao Huang. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
Analytical review of shipping carbon emissions trading scheme and the impacts on the Chinese shipping sector, Shidi Huang. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Irregular maritime migration by sea: the Venezuelan - Caribbean route, Leidy Marianna Ibanez Negrin. (Maritime Law & Policy, Venezuala.)
Remotely piloted aircraft systems in the maritime sector, Marta Ibarra García. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Spain.)
Shipping asset pricing: a Rubinstein bargaining approach, Mohiul Mohammad Islam, Alina Balasanyan, and Mirfat Mbarak Mohamed. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Bangladesh,Georgia,Kenya.)
Implementation of the Port State Measure Agreement (PSMA) to combat IUU Fishing in the Philippines, Marilyn Labasan Jaal. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Philippines.)
Trade-off between inter terminal transportation and ship turnaround time: a case study of Port of Colombo, Kelum Prasanga Jalath Munasinghe. (Port Management, Sri Lanka.)
Fuel selection by the shipping industry due to a multifarious framework for achieving zero carbon and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Senthil Kumar Jayaraman. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, India.)
A study on the legal status and responsibilities of the master in autonomous vessels: the case of general remote operators, Minchol Ji. (Maritime Law & Policy, Republic of Korea.)
The role of maritime education and training in maritime development in Angola, Domingos Albano Jones. (Maritime Education & Training, Angola.)
Renewable energy for offshore platforms energy optimization, Mamadi Kaba. (Maritime Energy Management, Senegal.)
The impact of the digital maturity level on port operations in Africa, Joyce Wanjiru Kaburu. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Kenya.)
Business model innovation in marine engine maintanance, Dofilia Sinangui Kaloia. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Angola.)
A study of the follow-up on recommendations of casualty investigation reports: case study of Liberia, Richard B. Kamara. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Liberia.)
Oil spill management in Sierra Leone: an assessment on the effectiveness of laws, policies and regulations, Umaru Kamara. (Maritime Law & Policy, Sierra Leone.)
A policy impact evaluation of the regional cooperation agreement on combating piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia, Surendra Kumar Karwasara. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
Forecasting environmental, economic, and social pillar of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) using Delphi and Fuzzy Set Theory, Jeana Kim. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Republic of Korea.)
Selection of the optimal alternative fuel in terms of the sustainability of the shipping industry through the multi-attribute decision making, Kyungrok Kim. (Maritime Energy Management, Republic of Korea.)
Critical evaluation of the compliance level of Cabotage Act in Nigeria, Grace Kingsley Okike. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
The role of generation IV nuclear reactors in decarbonising international shipping: a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) framework for matching potential decarbonisation pathways to different ship types and size, Claudianus David Kunze. (Maritime Energy Management, Tanzania.)
The pandemic : impact on IMO member state audit on the Pacific Island member states, Shaleen Lata. (Maritime Law & Policy, Fiji.)
The implementation of Regulations 4.2 And 4.5 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 in Nigeria, Fatimah Temitope Lawal. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
A study on effective implementation of remote ship survey: focus on key elements of stakeholder’s perspectives, Ji Heon Lee. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Republic of Korea.)
Legal fundamentals and key issues for establishing International Ocean Carbon Sink Organization, Qilong Liao. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Current challenges and future recommendations for green shipping, Binjie Li. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Research on countermeasures to strengthen domestic traffic safety based on risk control, Hui Lin. (Maritime Safety & Environment Management, China.)
Effectiveness of catch documentation schemes in Ghana’s fisheries and their role in deterring IUU fishing, Misornu Yaw Logo. (Oceans Sustainability, Governance & Management, Ghana.)
Measurement of digital maturity in liner shipping companies’ business models, Lukas Muthee Maganjo. (Shipping Management & Logistics, Kenya.)
Analysis of the Philippine port state control implementation: a basis for policy revision, Argie Lyn Mahinay. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Philippines.)
The International Maritime Organisation: a study from an organisational effectiveness perspective, Yankuba Marah. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Sierra Leone.)
A study of flag state performance of Liberia, Reuben Marshall. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Liberia.)
Analysis of wind assisted ship propulsion through 3D-computational fluid dynamics: application of rigid wind sails on a bulk carrier, Darnela Mboumba Mboumba. (Maritime Energy Management, Gabon.)
Environmentally balanced approaches to future deep seabed mining, Jonatan J. Víctor Mendoza Alarcón. (Maritime Law & Policy, Peru.)
Container ship cargo fires, classification, analysis, and mitigation process using human factor analysis and classification system (HFACS-CSCF), Mahmoud Mohamed Attia Metwalli. (Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration, Egypt.)