Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A legal analysis of the implementation and enforcement of MARPOL Annex VI sulphur regulations in Georgia, Nino Pataraia. (Maritime Law & Policy, Georgia.)
Examining the implementation of the IMO's Search and Rescue (SAR) Convention in Liberia : prospects and challenges, John Emmett Quawah. (Maritime Law & Policy, Liberia.)
Analysis of the Tuvalu ship registry and the delegation of authority to recognised organizations, Andrew Puga Semeli. (Maritime Law & Policy, Tuvalu.)
Legal analysis on Cambodia regulation apply to ISPS Code, Chanveasna Teth. (Maritime Law & Policy, Cambodia.)
Agenda-setting at the IMO : perspectives on the threats of piracy and armed robbery against ships, Abraham Akwetey Teye. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ghana.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Environmental regulation of emerging offshore oil and gas activities in Somalia, Abubakar Mohamud Abubakar. (Maritime Law & Policy, Somalia.)
Analysis of ship clearance in the Maldives: trade facilitation perspective, Zoona Ahmed. (Maritime Law & Policy, Maldives.)
Seafarers’ recruitment practice in the United Republic of Tanzania: Zanzibar as a case study, Yahya A.O. Albahsan. (Maritime Law & Policy, Zanzibar.)
Maritime casualty investigation in Jordan : current implementation of IMO standards and future development, Enas Nadi Al-mahariq. (Maritime Law & Policy, Jordan.)
Saudi Arabia and regional cooperation agreements against transnational maritime crime: ReCAAP and DCoC in perspective, Feras Alsulaiman. (Maritime Law & Policy, Saudi Arabia.)
Open registries and recognized organization: synergy or dysfunction, Lia Carolina Barroso Rojas. (Maritime Law & Policy, Panamá.)
Work in Fishing Convention, 2007: Thailand as a case study, Decha Chotepanitses. (Maritime Law & Policy, Thailand.)
Strengths and weaknesses of the legal strategies to combat sea piracy in Nigeria, Siraja Zamfara Ibrahim. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
Enhancing maritime safety in Cameroon through port state control : an analysis of impediments to adhesion to the Abuja MoU on PSC, Njobinkir Ida Ngo. (Maritime Law & Policy, Cameroon.)
The implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 in China: challenges and prospects, Shuyan Ji. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
Strengthening seafarers’ rights for release and repatriation: piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, Rajinder Kumar. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
The implementation of the joint development of Greater Sunrise Special Regime under the 2018 Timor Sea maritime boundaries treaty between Timor-Leste and Australia, Melkiades Laot. (Maritime Law & Policy, Timor-Leste.)
The protection of the marine environment within the territorial seas and contiguous zone of India as part of salvage interventions, Pooran Chand Meena. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Angola as a case study, Jandira Camilo Mendes. (Maritime Law & Policy, Angola.)
ROs, forgery, and fraud in the context of Honduran ship certificates, Angelica Dalida Meza. (Maritime Law & Policy, Honduras.)
Understanding the concept of limitation of liability per package/unit under a bill of lading contracts globally in general and in Ethiopia in particular, Melaku Mitiku. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ethiopia.)
A case study of the implementation and enforcement of MARPOL Annex VI sulphur regulations in Kenya, Annette Wangari Muriithi. (Maritime Law & Policy, Kenya.)
A study of national laws of Vietnam on compensation for ship-source oil pollution, Mai Thanh Truc Nguyen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)
Challenges for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 in Indonesia, Monica Ajeng Oktaviany. (Maritime Law & Policy, Indonesia.)
An analysis of the challenges hindering the Nigerian cabotage act, Abimbola Augustina Osemwegie. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
Study on the reward and compensation policy for the engagement of social force in maritime search and rescue in China, Shanshan Qu. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
The implementation challenge of Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention and the related analysis within the existing Malaysian national law, Ahmad Zawawi Saharuddin. (Maritime Law & Policy, Malaysia.)
A critical analysis of ship registration system in the United Republic of Tanzania, Mohamed Malick Salum. (Maritime Law & Policy, Tanzania.)
Sustainably leveraging the blue economy through public private partnerships: a case study of Namibia’s port development, Carol Jaimy Schroeder. (Maritime Law & Policy, Namibia.)
Maritime autonomous surface ships: caught between the devil’s advocate and the deep blue sea, A.v.raghav Sharma. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
Legal analysis of national law on wrecks and abandoned ships in Turkish waters within the international legal framework, Safiye Tecen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Turkey.)
Towards ratification and implementation of ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 in the Maldives, Hussain Zameel. (Maritime Law & Policy, Maldives.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Implementation and enforcement of the ISM Code in the Ethiopian Maritime Safety Administration, Lidya Kassahun Belete. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ethiopia.)
Electronic certificates for ships: a LOFTY (legal, operations, fraud, trust) analysis, Bridget Cosgrave. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ireland / Canada.)
Cyber-security and marine insurance, Davit Dadiani. (Maritime Law & Policy, Georgia.)
Switching paper to electronic bills of lading : legal perspective and reform options for Vietnam, Thi Mai Anh Doan. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)
Challenges to the legal framework governing liability and compensation for oil pollution in the Caspian Sea: the case of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ramil Gasimov. (Maritime Law & Policy, Azerbaijan.)
A study on the definition of ship related seaborne oil transportation, Seokjin Kang. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Korea.)
The development of interagency cooperation amongst FRONTEX, EMSA and EFCA in the light of the european legislation and policy, Eleni Kelmali. (Maritime Law & Policy, Greece.)
Assessing the preparedness of stakeholders for the cabotage law in Ghana, Benjamin Logodam Panlogo. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ghana.)
A legal analysis related to the implementation of the national logistics strategy 2030 of Panama, Gustavo Adolfo Mejia Jovane. (Maritime Law & Policy, Panama.)
ILO Convention 185 on seafarers' identity document thirteen years after entering into force: analysing implementation challenges and future outlook, Vera Njeng Ntungwe. (Maritime Law & Policy, Cameroon.)
An analysis of the delegation of authority to the recognised organisations acting on behalf of the flag state: a case study on the Togolese flag, N'Hoboutoun Santa. (Maritime Law & Policy, Togo.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The implementation of the United Nations on Sustainable Development Goals Number 14 concerning “conserve and sustainable use of the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” in Indonesia maritime regulation: the review on the law and policy applied in Indonesia concerning the coastal and maritime resources and protection, Namiraisir Endah Asmar. (Maritime Law & Policy, Indonesia.)
Kadeteng Marino under the Maritime Labor Convention, 2006: a study of minimum training and qualifications prior to shipboard training and the familiarity with onboard complaint procedures of Filipino Cadets, Ronnie Dalina Basco. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Maritime law enforcement in Nigeria: the challenges of combatting piracy and armed robbery at sea, Omovigho Cynthia Brume-Eruagbere. (Maritime Law & Policy, Nigeria.)
The regime of emergency arbitration in maritime and commercial dispute resolution, Mohamed Shawki Mohamed El Khadrawi. (Maritime Law & Policy, Egypt.)
An analysis on wreck related national laws of the Republic of Korea considering the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, Byoung-yun Lee. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Korea.)
How do the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea deal with disputes concerning land sovereign issues?, Yuki Morimasa. (Maritime Law & Policy, Japan.)
Ensure freedom of navigation in disputed sea areas in the South China Sea under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, Thi Minh Ngan Tran. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The policy exploration of the South African exclusive economic zone /, Thulile Khanyile. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Africa.)
Liability and compensation due to transboundary pollution caused by offshore exploration and exploitation: IMO competence and development of guidelines, Sebastian Pizarro Klein. (Maritime Law & Policy, Chile.)
Mixed migration by sea: different perspectives and the solutions, Boitumelo Olga Mano. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Africa.)
An analysis of fisher practices and attitudes towards marine resource management and regulations in St. Kitts and Nevis /, Queeley Maritza. (Maritime Law & Policy, St. Kitts and Nevis.)
A proposal to regulate the international contract of logistics services door-to-door including a sea leg, Claudia Cristina Mesa. (Maritime Law & Policy, Colombia.)
Limitation of liability for Maritime Claims: a South African perspective, Wandile Zondo. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Africa.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A legal analysis on the implementation and enforcement of fishery laws of the coastal state in its exclusive economic zone : a Philippine perspective, Fatima Aleli Angeles. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Completion of the restructuring of China's coast guard administration: challenges and opportunities, Wang Haozhe. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
The legal aspect relating to the offer of port service business by state owned companies outside the territory Indonesia, Adi Nurcahya. (Maritime Law & Policy, Indonesia.)
The implications of the implementation of part iii of the united nations convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS) 1982 to the safety of navigation and marine environmental protection in the straits used for international navigation : The review of policy and cooperation, and future direction of the cooperative mechanism in the straits of Malacca and Singapore, Nanditya Darma Wardhana. (Maritime Law & Policy, Indonesia.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Assessment of the maritime legislative regulatory framework relating to the Jamaica logistics hub with special reference to selected contemporary maritime issues, Deniece Melissa Aiken. (Maritime Law & Policy, Jamaica.)
The international tribunal for the law of the sea (ITLOS) : innovations and prospects in the international maritime disputes settlement system after more than fifteen years of effective practice, Ousmane Diouf. (Maritime Law & Policy, Senegal.)
A survey of judicial standards for imposing liability on the classification societies : potential liability under the ISPS Code, Lufuno Albert Mudau. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Africa.)
Haiti's claim over Navassa Island : a case study, Michaelle Pierre. (Maritime Law & Policy, Haiti.)
Vietnam towards the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 : benefits, challenges and reality, Nguyen Viet Hoang Son. (Maritime Law & Policy, Vietnam.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
How exclusive is the Exclusive Economic Zone : contemporary analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Oscar Garrido-Lecca Hoyle. (Maritime Law & Policy, Peru.)
Progress and challenges : ten years after the ISPS code, Jibkwon Jeong. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Korea.)
Premature redeliveries of vessels versus the regime of damages : the results in the shipping industry after the global economic meltdown in 2008, Dimitrios Kyrkos. (Maritime Law & Policy, Greece.)
Implications and impacts of making mandatory the voluntary IMO member state audit scheme : from legal and practical perspectives, Yang Liejun. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
Armed seafarers on board ships : an analysis from an international perspective, Itrisha Nunes. (Maritime Law & Policy, Jamaica.)
Study on major legal issues of carriage of dangerous goods at sea, Qi Shaojiang. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
Maritime liens and its application : a case study of Solomon Islands, Eric J. Teiniu. (Maritime Law & Policy, Solomon Islands.)
The application of international law principle in practice of the delimitation on continental shelf, Li Xiaolu. (Maritime Law & Policy, China.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Discordant regimes : the interplay between mortgage and bareboat charter registration, Ryan Acosta Federo. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
The Ship Arrest Conventions of 1952 and 1999 : international and Ukrainian perspectives, Nadiya Isikova. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ukraine.)
Establishing a new protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance institution in Turkey, Muhammet Alper Keceli. (Maritime Law & Policy, Turkey.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Regulating vessel traffic service (VTS) to mitigate maritime accidents at port approaches, Abdulhusain Mansoor. Abdulla. (Maritime Law & Policy, Bahrain.)
Iron men manned wooden ships! vs. iron ships manned by wooden men? socio-psychological impacts on seafarers due to accidents/incidents, Vivek Menon. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
Limitation of liability of classification societies, Young Min. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Korea.)
Air emissions: the effects on the shipping industry and ports : implications for the Port of Singapore, Ling Ling Jolyn Tay. (Maritime Law & Policy, Singapore.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The role of naval forces in the non-military maritime domain, Faleh M. Alfaleh. (Maritime Law & Policy, Saudi Arabia.)
Archipelagic sea lanes passage and maritime security in archipelagic Southeast Asia, Vivien Jane Evangelio Cay. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Climate protection and ocean acidification : the case for immediate action in international law & policy negotiations, Carolyne Okeijn. (Maritime Law & Policy, Sweden.)
Ship registration : a critical analysis, Rhea Rogers. (Maritime Law & Policy, Belize.)
Institutional framework for ocean governance : a way forward, Mohd Khairul Tazril. Tarmizi. (Maritime Law & Policy, Malaysia.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The concept of equidistance/relevant circumstances in the development of the law of maritime delimitation, Aké L. Abe. (Maritime Law & Policy, Ivory Coast.)
An analytical review of the treatment of seafarers under the current milieu of the international law relating to maritime labour and human rights, Maria R. S. B. Hubilla. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
A selective appraisal of the P&I insurance system with special reference to claims for personal injury, illness and loss of life, Mya Thida Lin. (Maritime Law & Policy, Myanmar.)
The international law related to maritime security : an analysis of its effectiveness in combating piracy and armed robbery against ships, Anete Logina. (Maritime Law & Policy, Latvia.)
The legal status of Dokdo under article 121 of the 1982 UNCLOS : is Dokdo entitled to generate EEZ or continental shelf?, Sun Choon. Park. (Maritime Law & Policy, South Korea.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Below the radar : an analysis of the "small boat threat" to maritime security, Crawford J. Crawford. (Maritime Law & Policy, Chile.)
Law and policy perspectives of seafarers' claims, Lunecito U. Delos Santos. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Beating the deadline : archipelagic state compliance under UNCLOS article 47, Fedelyn A. Santos. (Maritime Law & Policy, Philippines.)
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Transportation of stowaways, drugs and contraband by sea from the Maghreb region : legal and policy aspects, Semir T. Maksen. (Maritime Law & Policy, Algeria.)
Balancing seafarers' welfare and maritime security with biometrics, Neera Malhotra. (Maritime Law & Policy, India.)
The potential implications of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, for policy and management in the maritime sector : a critical analysis, Veganaden Maunikum. (Maritime Law & Policy, Mauritius.)
Development of maritime policy through bilateral arrangements : trade and crewing aspects, Özlem Mulun. (Maritime Law & Policy, Turkey.)
Environmental issues in coastal waters - Pakistan as a case study, Naved Sayied. (Maritime Law & Policy, Pakistan.)
Departure from COLREGS infringement or good seamanship, Rakish Suppiah. (Maritime Law & Policy, Malaysia.)