
Oil Pollution in the Waters of the United Kingdom North Sea
Angela Carpenter
Oil pollution in the United Kingdom (UK) waters of the North Sea primarily emanates from shipping activities and offshore oil production. Increased commercialisation of the shipping industry fills up the quota of oil pollution that is not resulting from oil exploration by offshore installations. The North Sea is a relatively small yet intensively used area, and it contains some of the most active and engaged shipping channels in the world. The result of such active engagement has left devastating consequences in the English Channel, which have sporadically occurred in the form of maritime casualties. This chapter is an effort to understand UK legislation, which has pragmatic approaches to addressing immediate responses as regards to oil pollution applicable to the areas adjacent to the North Sea. “Intervention” is a term often used when it comes to instantaneous action to limit or mitigate oil pollution which may have profound effects on the waters of the world. The need to develop close international cooperation is important and the existing legal regime is in great need of revision. As such and from a more private law approach, arrangements for monitoring and remedial action in the wake of an oil spill are addressed. The UK is just one of several states bordering the North Sea trying to make a difference in addressing oil spill and oil pollution through strict liability regimes. This delineates the disposition of the UK to address a complex problem of oil pollution in the North Sea, which is sensitive in nature. The degree of success is in further need of analysis.
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English Channel, Illegal oil discharge, Intervention, MARPOL 73/78, North Sea, SOSREP (Secretary of State’s Representative Maritime Salvage and Intervention), United Kingdom, Vessel-source oil pollution
Environmental Law | International and Area Studies | Law of the Sea | Transportation