Event Type



Room 335

Start Date

25-1-2017 12:45 PM

End Date

25-1-2017 1:00 PM


Industrial clusters have for many decades been considered as the stepping stone for regional and national competitiveness, due to the fact that within these systems of economies, many propitious qualities seem to flourish. Competition and cooperation are witnessed to complement one another, firms can thrive through the marvels of knowledge creation and innovation, and positive externalities are seen to blossom into an interconnected system of collective prosperity. This system bears semblance to many occurrences in nature, and thus can guide the reflection of natural dynamics that may pave an industrial cluster’s threads. Maritime clusters in particular, are distinct vanguards of mutualism and shared opulence for the locality wherein they spawned. For these reasons, they have attracted multi-faceted attention from researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, in a dual attempt; to better understand the phenomenon and subsequently recreate it, if at all possible. Through this process, a plethora of studies have been conducted, each relinquishing its part to formulate the modern understanding of maritime clusters and to contribute towards the subsequent theory. The latter has encapsulated analysis from many disciplines that is sometimes riddled with paradox. Seldom does a cluster manifest itself without some kind of paradoxical component, and enigmatic discrepancies accompany maritime clusters inherently. Through this paper, an introductory explanation of the latter is attempted, by the scarcity principle’s applicability within maritime clusters, as a version of the law of conservation of energy. This pursuit accompanies an extraction of a structured critical literature review and the subsequent formulation of a governing model.


Jan 25th, 12:45 PM Jan 25th, 1:00 PM

The law of conservation of energy towards defining maritime cluster dynamics

Room 335

Industrial clusters have for many decades been considered as the stepping stone for regional and national competitiveness, due to the fact that within these systems of economies, many propitious qualities seem to flourish. Competition and cooperation are witnessed to complement one another, firms can thrive through the marvels of knowledge creation and innovation, and positive externalities are seen to blossom into an interconnected system of collective prosperity. This system bears semblance to many occurrences in nature, and thus can guide the reflection of natural dynamics that may pave an industrial cluster’s threads. Maritime clusters in particular, are distinct vanguards of mutualism and shared opulence for the locality wherein they spawned. For these reasons, they have attracted multi-faceted attention from researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, in a dual attempt; to better understand the phenomenon and subsequently recreate it, if at all possible. Through this process, a plethora of studies have been conducted, each relinquishing its part to formulate the modern understanding of maritime clusters and to contribute towards the subsequent theory. The latter has encapsulated analysis from many disciplines that is sometimes riddled with paradox. Seldom does a cluster manifest itself without some kind of paradoxical component, and enigmatic discrepancies accompany maritime clusters inherently. Through this paper, an introductory explanation of the latter is attempted, by the scarcity principle’s applicability within maritime clusters, as a version of the law of conservation of energy. This pursuit accompanies an extraction of a structured critical literature review and the subsequent formulation of a governing model.