Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Maritime Affairs


Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration


Malmö, Sweden


Trinidad and Tobago

First Advisor

Hansen-Tangen, E.


Many developing countries ratifying or acceding to the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Convention are not fully aware of all the obligations implied in being party to the Convention. A review of the developments in Maritime Safety after its inception would emphasize the need for full implementation of the codes established by the Convention. Shipping is an international business and developing countries should be actively involved in the formulation OT international maritime rules. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) was established by the United Nations (UN) to provide a forum for all countries to participate in formulating rules for safe ships and clean oceans„ A review of this organization and its function in international maritime rule development and more particularly the development of the SOLAS convention would show how developing countries can be? more actively involved. This study attempts to review some aspects of the SOLAS 74 convention as amended, IMO involvement in its development, and its implementation by developing countries and more particularly Trinidad and Tobago with respect to the issuing of the certificates required under the convention.
