Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Maritime Affairs


Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration


Malmö, Sweden



First Advisor

Hansen-Tangen, E.


This paper attempts to analyse the present Maritime Safety Administration of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar. In this country, which is an island state and developing country, shipping will play an important role in its future development. In his "Red Book", which is a charter of the Malagasy Revolution, the President, Didier Ratsiraka, has mentioned the importance of shipping in the country's development. Up to now, the worst disaster in shipping for a Malagasy registered vessel was the sinking of the "M/T Tanio" in the English Channel in March 1980, where oil pollution occurred and where there was also some loss of life. However, other accidents have occurred, where small ships and non-conventional ships were involved resulting in loss of life and property. On 5 October 1984, for example, one such accident occurred when the vessel "Ankify" which sank off Nosy-Be with the loss of 38 people. In fact she was overloaded carrying more than 80 persons. Statistically, these accidents are not worrying. But it is. better to prevent than to cure. In this paper the author attempts to examine the Maritime activities and the Administration in Madagascar, and attempts to up-date the structure of the Maritime Safety Administration in order to try and improve safety and pollution prevention and to keep up-to-date with the developments in International Shipping.
