Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Maritime Affairs


Maritime Safety & Environmental Administration


Malmö, Sweden



First Advisor

Balmer, T.F.


The following discussion should indicate that the time is now right for a re-appraisal of our marine safety operations. Subsequently, the research presented here is aimed at implementing marine safety, integrating new national and international regulations, and preserving marine resources, property, and life at sea. The proposal for a marine safety manual is a preliminary document and the procedures manual for the marine safety programs of the Honduras naval forces and’ a guide to. all personnel involved in marine safety duties. It also prescribes the essential functions and marine safety activities that must be performed in order to achieve the overall marine safety objectives of the naval forces. This manual is not intended to duplicate any national or international policy or regulations found in other current publications, but to highlight some of its most important parts and to draw the attention of the users. However, it is necessary for each marine safety unit to have its own clearly-defined and well-disseminated procedures in order to attain successful conduct of the marine safety program. This manual is intended to be used in combination with appropriate marine safety laws and regulations as well as procedures concerning the entire scope of the marine safety function which includes; ship safety, port safety and security, marine environmental protection, air marine surveillance, coastal and offshore control, search and rescue, marine inspections, and casualty investigations. Hence, this manual is intended to be a guide for officers of the Honduras naval forces involved in coastguard activities, to help them apply maritime law and safety rules and regulations consistently and uniformly without undue independent action and situational judgement by marine safety personnel.
