Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Maritime Affairs


Maritime Safety Administration


Malmö, Sweden



First Advisor

Jeppesen, Paul


In the early morning of Wednesday 28th of September 1994, 82 years after the sinking of, ”M/S Titanic", the world witnessed yet another maritime disaster, i.e. "M/S Estonia" with nearly the same number of human casualty. Although it is too soon to determine precisely the main cause or causes of this accident, it is suspected that the bow door might have been breached immediately before the sinkage. In such a case one question should be answered: Had the ship undergone a close and proper survey and inspection prior to her departure^ could this tragedy happen? On the other hand, after introducing comprehensive sets of rules and regulations by the international community during recent years, the issue of the implementing them has been raised. Especially the developing countries are facing this problem in a broader aspect. In this regard one of the major contributing factors is the shortage of qualified personnel. The above two issues are highlighting the need for training of qualified personnel as surveyors in maritime safety administrations. In this paper the attempt has been made to provide guidelines for the training of the nautical surveyors as being most necessary for any maritime administration. The introductory chapters provide the general knowledge about maritime conventions and the related surveys and certification. Chapters Three, Four and Five introduce the international maritime conventions and discuss the relevant survey, inspection and certification provisions. Maritime Investigation and Port State Control are dealt with in chapters Six and Seven respectively. In chapter Eight a training scheme has been proposed, based on the material given in chapters One through Seven. Since the first seven chapters can supply relevant and useful information to enrich the training course, it is intended that while establishing a training course according to the proposed scheme in chapter Eight, reference be made to the chapters One to Seven. The paper is concluded in chapter nine with the necessary recommendation and conclusion.
