Document Type

Conference Paper Open Access

Publication Date

Summer 6-27-2017


International and national policies and regulations call for faster transition to sustainable energy production and use. Within the shipping industry one way forward is the use of LNG. Despite being of fossil origin LNG is considered to be an important step towards cleaner shipping given the better properties of the exhausts. The Go LNG initiative is focused on the development of demand and accessibility of LNG in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Activities associated with this strategic-in-nature project aim to promote the implementation of EU’s Clean Fuel Strategy and boost LNG usage through the whole transport chain. This paper will present the development of the Go LNG Blue Corridor Strategy for a continued deployment of LNG in the BSR. Important parts of the strategy will include transport flows, LNG infrastructure developments, and the by inclusion of a wider potential value chain that incorporates all transport modalities as well as industries that today use other sources of energy. The strategy will further provide LNG stakeholders with a knowledge base on policies and regulation as well as on technological standards, and describe well-functioning solutions and business models already present in the BSR transport sector.
