Presenter Information

Mustafa Insel, Hidroteknik

Event Type



Sasakawa Auditorium

Start Date

25-1-2017 11:20 AM

End Date

25-1-2017 11:40 AM


Energy efficiency measures for cargo ships can be categorized into design and operation. Most of the design measures are based on hull form optimization, propulsion system selection and speed optimization. Operational measures are mainly based on selecting the optimized speed, trim, propeller pitch and rpm for energy efficiency. These measures should be applied onboard according to the loading conditions and weather conditions, such as wave height, period and direction, wind speed and direction. The variety of alternatives requires an online decision support system as the alternatives cannot be placed in a simple guideline or booklet. Such operational decision support systems are mainly based on the system identification approach on the data obtained during the voyages in various conditions. Although these systems can be mounted in any ship connected to several online monitoring sensors, they do not generally contain ship specific knowledge, hence their performance is based on the ship conditions generated during the learning phase of the decision support system.

A new decision support system is proposed based on the calculation of viscous resistance by RANS CFD, wave resistance by BEM, propulsion efficiency by RANS CFD, resistance increase in waves by Strip theory, wind resistance by CFD, and resistance increase due to rudder actions by CFD. All these parameters are calculated before the installation of decision support system, and correlated during the sea trial voyages with actual voyage conditions.


Jan 25th, 11:20 AM Jan 25th, 11:40 AM

A decision support system for energy efficient propulsion

Sasakawa Auditorium

Energy efficiency measures for cargo ships can be categorized into design and operation. Most of the design measures are based on hull form optimization, propulsion system selection and speed optimization. Operational measures are mainly based on selecting the optimized speed, trim, propeller pitch and rpm for energy efficiency. These measures should be applied onboard according to the loading conditions and weather conditions, such as wave height, period and direction, wind speed and direction. The variety of alternatives requires an online decision support system as the alternatives cannot be placed in a simple guideline or booklet. Such operational decision support systems are mainly based on the system identification approach on the data obtained during the voyages in various conditions. Although these systems can be mounted in any ship connected to several online monitoring sensors, they do not generally contain ship specific knowledge, hence their performance is based on the ship conditions generated during the learning phase of the decision support system.

A new decision support system is proposed based on the calculation of viscous resistance by RANS CFD, wave resistance by BEM, propulsion efficiency by RANS CFD, resistance increase in waves by Strip theory, wind resistance by CFD, and resistance increase due to rudder actions by CFD. All these parameters are calculated before the installation of decision support system, and correlated during the sea trial voyages with actual voyage conditions.