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t is widely acknowledged that there exists a dearth of information with regard to fleet involved in aquaculture of salmonids. To address this insufficiency, and to understand the gaps and grey areas, Transport Canada funded a project in 2017 that aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of how the Norwegian, Irish, Chile and Australian fleet involved in aquaculture of salmonids are registered and administered. The World Maritime University undertook the project, and contracted external consultants to develop and deliver reports from a number of the aforementioned jurisdictions.

The project report provides a deep insight into the regulatory framework for the registration of vessels involved in Aquaculture of salmonids. In addition, the areas of operation of these vessels, the safe manning procedures and the framework for the protection of the marine environment from vessels involved in aquaculture of salmonids has been thoroughly examined within the ambit of the report.

The sample of the study is based upon both primary sources and secondary sources of law, as well as explanations and rational interpretations provided by respondents interviewed. The scope of “vessels” included all vessels that support the aquaculture salmonids industry, including fish delousing, feed barges/ships, well vessels, live fish carriers, pen repair and monitoring vessels, ROV support vessels.
