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In this project, three case studies are considered in order to examine the economic impact of the implementation of MSP when considering environmental impact of the shipping industry. Specific characteristics and limitations of areas in the Greek Sea, the Balearic Sea and the Baltic Sea are evaluated with respect to their economic effects on the maritime transport domain.
The purpose of the above is to evaluate the economic impacts and risk implications of different scenarios and particularly:
The economic impact of vessel traffic rerouting and/or reducing the speed in order to reduce the probability of vessel strikes or other negative impact to endangered marine species.
Analysis and treatment of costs (constraints and penalties) from unexpected delays, in addition to the additional transit time cost.
Estimation of the direct and indirect economic impact on the shipping industry and the effects of potential port call dislocation for the implementation of the proposed management options (e.g. speed deceleration or ship rerouting).
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economic impact; shipping industry; MSP; green routes
Environmental Health and Protection | Growth and Development | Transportation

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Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Growth and Development Commons, Transportation Commons